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Palestinian Territory

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The '''Palestinian territories''' are composed of two discontiguous regions, in the [[West Bank]] and in the [[Gaza|Gaza Strip]]. The political and military situation in these regions is miles apart.
Palestine is The Palestinian Authority areas are a hitchhiking paradise. It's extremely safe and easy. In general you'll be able to get a ride from the first five cars that pass by.
People are really helpful and hospitable, sometimes too much. You'll end up with loads of dinner-invites, telephone numbers, cd's of your favourite arabic music etc.
== Money ==
A lot of cars may expect you to pay towards gas money, which is pretty expensive in Palestinethe Palestinian Authority. This is one hitchers experience of hitchhiking in the West Bank anyhow. If you go by the drivers recommended 'donation' you may end up paying more (or, perhaps a lot less) than you would by getting a taxi. You could probably make it clear that you have no money and they can decide whether or not to take you.
English is not so common. Be aware of what language you begin speaking to the driver in, as a lot may be assumed about your politics or origins from a simple hello in Arabic or Hebrew. It's recommended to get to grips with some basic Arabic, and maybe less importantly, some Hebrew, although some IDF (Israel defence forces, who work on the check points) may speak some English.
Generally, hitchhiking in the West Bank can be done along side any road, you don't really have to find a strategic location. However, hitch-hiking around checkpoints might create a little confusion for Israeli soldiers. They might think you're Israeli and they will try to prevent you from entering Palestinian cars. When they realize you're not Israeli it's fine. They could try to warn you for "the dangers" of hitch-hiking with Palestinians. But they honestly don't have a clue what they're talking about.
Similarly, some Western looking hitchers might be assumed to be Israeli settlers which some Palestinians may view unfavorably. Dreadlocks and colourful "hippy" (for want of a better word) clothes are also associated with Israeli travellers.
On Israeli roads inside In the West Bank you have to be a little aware of where you want to go and who's driving. If you get a ride with an Israeli settler, they will not be too happy to hear that you want to go to a Palestinian city. But if you like the discussion, go for it.
Israeli -issued numberplates are yellow, Palestinian Authority-issued numberplates are white-green. However a lot of Palestinians also drive yellow numberplate cars.
{{IsIn|Western Asia}}