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16 bytes added, 01:20, 25 March 2011
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== Sleep ==
If you look foreigner you might consider go to a hostel or CouchSurf. There are lots of homeless crackheads in major cities these days. In rural areas, if you say you have nowhere to stay they will often offer you a spot in their house and good hearty Brazilian food (which is often rice, beans and corn porridge in some areas, or roasted cassava flour to eat with the beans, very energetic and delicious, and sometimes chicken or meat - if you are a vegetarian say you don't like meat, if you just say you don't want they will think you're shy and put on your plate anyways, and if you don't want the food say you already ate and are very full and they will stop insisting). Small villages are great for camping and rarely police will bug you, unless it is a touristic city. Avoid setting up a tent in big cities, if you got no dime and no concealed spot sleep in bus stations or open air.
== Cities ==
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