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260 bytes added, 00:28, 1 March 2010
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'''Albania''' is a country in the [[Balkans]] in [[Southern Europe]]. The capital is [[Tirana]]. It has borders to [[Montenegro]], [[Kosovo]], [[Macedonia]] and [[Greece]].
The road network is not very complicated, and getting out from and past towns is usually just a matter of walking in the right direction. Roads do tend to go through the towns, but keep an eye open for the shortcuts to avoid tedious walking when transiting.
==Hitchhiking culture==
People are usually friendly and ready to help. Be aware some drivers expect money, since private taxi is a major form of public transport. Make sure that before you board a vehicle the driver is not an informal cab-driver. A simple 'no taxi' phrase should be enough to avoid misunderstandings. Some found it useful to learn "por.... jo para.... jo problem?" (but.... no money... no problem?) and ask it as they stop (yes/no = po/jo, and mirë (pronounced mir) = fine/good). Some drivers will refuse to take you for free, but still every other driver should pick you up. Hitchhiking with a sign can be useful to differentiate yourself from the other people using public transportation.
Also, make sure to keep an eye on the road -- if the driver makes sudden turns and other similar actions while driving it is likely that he is either a taxi driver or that he thinks he is doing good by bringing you to the local bus station, and would expect some money from you. You therefore will have to be reiterative on stating that you travel by '''autostop'''. This kind of driver behaviour usually is not valid for the company car or truck drivers': they are already salaried and won't be offering a taxi service to you.
Women hitchhiking alone do not encounter more issues than the average European country.