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Hitchhiking a boat

83 bytes added, 00:04, 31 October 2008
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==Hitching a ferry==
'''Hitchhiking a ferry''' is easy. Simply ask truck drivers if you can enter the ferry in their truck, they usually only have to pay for the vehicle. See also [[:Category:Ferries]]for different routes that involve ferries. ''needs more text''
==Hitching a sea boat=='''Hitchhiking a boat''' can be quite an endeavor for some but can be done if you put the right effort in it. Your best chances are to become part of the crew. In the [[Caribbean]] it's not too hard to find sail boats that need an extra hand on deck.
'''Hitchhiking Finding a boat''' is can take you a bit like [[hitchhiking lot of time. Mostly boat-hitchers try hanging out at the harbor for a week, talking to almost anyone, possibly finding a plane]]. There are not so many where sailors tend to drink their beer.
Your best chances are to become part of the crew. In the For more info see [[CaribbeanUser:Paxus|Paxus]] his [[Sailboats|experiences]] hitching [[Sailboats]] it's not too hard to find sail boats that need an extra hand on deck. If you want to hitch on a boat, you will find a way if you try hard enough, but it will take you a lot of time. You can try hanging out at the harbor for a week, talking to almost anyone, possibly finding a pub where sailors tend to drink their beer. '''Hitchhiking a ferry''' is easy. Simply ask truck drivers if you can enter the ferry in their truck, they usually only have to pay for the vehicle1989/90.
==Hitching a Barge==