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The Golan Heights

8 bytes added, 17:24, 12 September 2007
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'''The Golan Heights''' is a plateau situated in northeastern [[Israel]]. It was conquered by [[Israel ]] in 1967 and annexed in 1982, but is still claimed by [[Syria]].
==Hitching out==
===To [[Tiberias]]===
There are two ways of getting to Tiberias, either going around the top of the Kinneret, or its bottom. Depending on where you are, you will have to decide which is more convenient for you. Going around the bottom is usually the easiest and simplest way, but there obviously places where going over the top just makes more sense. To go around the bottom, your first goal is the Tsemach Junction at the bottom tip of the Kinneret. There are three ways of getting there: a) Taking Highway 98, which runs along the eastern border of [[Israel, ]] southward down from the Golan. b) Taking Highway 92, which runs along the eastern bank of the Kinneret. c)Take Highway 98 to Route 789, which runs by such towns as Afik, Ne'ot Golan, Bnei Yehuda, and Giv'at Yoav, to Highway 92 and then southward. Many drivers tend to take option "c" and is usually a good choice.
In terms of going over the top of the Kinneret there are also two options: a)taking Highway 91 to Highway 90 and the head southward, or take Highway 87 to Highway 90 and head southward.