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Hitchhiking a truck

496 bytes added, 13:16, 29 August 2016
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Officially most companies allow their trucks to drive for only 9 hours in a row (at least in the EU). After that they have to take a long break. Of course, in some countries these rules will be different and less obeyed than in others. If you're talking to a trucker who heads your direction you might think about asking him how much hours he has left.
[[User:Zenit|Zenit]] heard from a Slovak hitchhiker that Spanish trucks cannot pick up hitchhikers any more after February 2011 due to an ominous change in laws or insurance policies. His personal experience showed that indeed Spanish truckers aren't willing anymore to give anybody a ride. Also trucks from the UK will hardly ever pick you up for insurance issues. [[User:Zenit|Zenit]] found German trucks to be your most probable candidate for picking you up, but that could also be because his native language is German. [[User:gizah|gizah]] found that mostly Polish trucks seem willing to take hitchers, usually a simple Czest! ('hi!') followed by asking for either english or german seems to open up drivers quite a bit. Polish drivers also seem more willing then others to break the rules regarding amount of people in the cabin. He has often hitched with Polish trucks, Czechs, Germans, Belgians and Romanians, Bulgarians Bellarussians and Russians seem less willing to take people the most other nationalities.
[[Category:Practical info]]