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2 bytes removed, 17:30, 14 July 2012
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Toulouse has an unfortunate lack of cheap hostels, so if your not couchsurfing then it can be an expensive night. There is nice roof to sleep on near the main train station. Walk along the street that runs in front of the station in the same direction as the traffic for 150 metres, before you come to an intersection and a bridge over the canal. On the corner to your left there is a roof which comes quite low, almost to head height. Its easy to hop on here when pedestrians are few, and then get further up on to the main roof. Totally out of view from the street, and with some nice soft gravel and even a bit of shelter. Not the quiestest spot but it beats 40 euros.
Alternatively, try sleeping in the train station. It officially closes at 1am, that's when the guards kick all the homeless out. After saying that she had a train ticket for the morning, the guards showed mercy on --[[User:Kimmietaylor28|Kimmietaylor28]] and let her sleep in a very warm room at the back. The station opens again at 4am, but those three hours of free sleeping were useful.