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Republic of Macedonia

537 bytes added, 21:57, 17 November 2011
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People are usually friendly and ready to help, although most car drivers will not understand the concept of hitch-hiking and private taxi is a major form of public transport due to high level of unemployment. Therefore, make sure before you board a vehicle that the driver is not an informal taxi. Also make sure to keep an eye on the road you are going, if the driver makes a sudden turn around, changes his natural path or takes another direction, it is likely that he is either a taxi driver or that he thinks he is doing good by bringing you to the local bus station. You therefore will have to say, if necessary again and again, that you do 'autostop' all the way.
* ''According to [[User:Rozwal|Rozwal]]'s experience (November 2011) after hitchhiking in Macedonia in all directions the above problem seemed redundant. He has never come across any hidden taxi nor have had any issues with people not understanding the concept of hitch-hiking. No-one asked for money too. In general, Macedonia was hitch-friendly and the use of signs with number plates' symbols of cities worked just fine (instead of writing Skopje you can write SK, Prilep: PP, Veles: VE, Struga: ST, Bitola: BT, Ohrid: OH, etc.).''
== Cities ==