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No change in size, 00:22, 7 July 2011
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Ryazan - canter center of Ryazan Oblast. City on the right bank of Oka. Population - 520 thousand of people. Language - Russian. Also you can find a lot of foreign students here speaking English, French and other languages. You can come in Ryazan to M5 federal track (Moscow - Chelyabinsk). Track come right on the city. Also, you can come here by railway: there are two railways in Ryazan. First connect Ryazan with Moscow and Saransk, other begins in Ryazan and goes to the south, to the Michurinsk, Boronegh and so on.
At the way from Federal Track to Ryazan you can stuck in the Car Jam on the Moscovskoe Shosse.
Citystop in Ryazan is no better than in other Russian cities.
There are two main Railway stations on Ryazan: Ryazan-1 and Ryazan-2. Both them located 5 minutes by feet from the Pobedy Square. You can sleep on the chairs in waithall, but you can have some problems with police. If police asking you show them documents, show them and talk, that you are a hitchhike travelers. Usually they are really excited and interested by it and you will have no problems.
If you want to put up a tent, you can do it, for example at the CPKO. From the center of city you can come it on the trolleybus route number 3.
Ryazan is a world capital of Airborne Troops(VDV) and at the festival of Airborne Troops at 2th August it's dangerous to wlak walk on the streets.