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1,182 bytes added, 21:16, 7 March 2011
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Camping on BLM land or National Forest can be free at non-developed campsites
This extent of available camping is not widely known, but the BLM/NFS can be called to get TONS of free, nearly unknown campsites.

Near to interstates?
Withing a hitch-friendly state such as OR, MT, WA, etc?

===Access to resources (food/water)===
Developed campsites offer this, but usually have a fee attached. *NOT ALL*

===Near to cities for social effect, or rural, for ease-of-camping===
This depends on our purpose. Are flashmob-type-activies (a la 7/8/9) planned? If so, we need to be somewhere with significant population density. Or is a relaxing, Sines-type small town preferred?

===Boulder, CO===

===Missoula, MT===
Easy wilderness camping
Directly on I-90
Montana can be cold and a long hitch for some people

Consider weather, holidays
Match up with 5/8/11 (or 8/5/11 as Americans write it) August 5th 2011? Or choose our own date?

Consider other events around that time
National Rainbow gathering (likely Washington) in July
Burning Man- End of August/early September