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59 bytes added, 00:08, 27 July 2010
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=== North towards [[Bardejov]], -> [[Poland]] ([[Rzesow]]) East towards [[Humenné]] -> [[Ukraine]]===
The way to east (towards [[Humenné]] -> [[Ukraine]]) and north towards [[Bardejov]], -> [[Poland]] ([[Rzesow]])is the same road until you get into the willage Kapušany, then it devides to North and East.
Take a troleybus #1 from Train station (Železničná stanica). It is recomended to buy a ticket (0,5€) because this line is very often controlled by conductors. Get down at very last troleybus stop. On the right side you will have a good place to hitchhike. It is quite bussy road with many trucks going to [[Poland]] or [[Ukraine]]. Write a PL sign for Poland, BJ sign for [[Bardejov]], SK for [[Svidnik]] or HE for [[Vranov nad Topľou]], HE for[[Humenné]] .