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Cape Verde

84 bytes added, 23:49, 5 January 2021
===Public Transit===
There are not many people that own private cars in Cabo Verde. That's why it's likely you'll have to pay for rides at some point during your stay in the country. In the bigger cities there are city buses to get around. Between cities and villages, and villages and hamlets there are 'Yasi's' (named after the car model 'Hiace') and 'Hiluxes' (named after the Toyota Hilux). Yasi's are closed vehicles where the passengers are facing forward. If you have a tendency to get car sick, maybe take a Yasi instead of a Hilux. Hiluxes are pickup trucks of various qualities, shapes, and sizes. There are usually benches in the back, facing sideways. You Due to the terrain and twisty roads, you might get motion sickness more quickly in these vehicles. Even though some Hiluxes have a tent-like cover around them to protect you from the wind, sun, and maybe even rain, it's best to not count on this and bring your own hat and dry bag.
Etiquette: please be careful with closing the doors of your Yasi's, as some of them are very new. You'll score good social points by not slamming the doors too hard when departing vehicles. This also applies to vehicles you hitchhike!
[[User:MOAH|Mind of a Hitchhiker]] I have so far managed to hitch a ride on Sal and São Nicolau. On Sal, it was with a Portuguese man who immigrated to Cabo Verde after a holiday (a common story). It was only a short ride form Espargos to Palmeira. On São Nicolau, I hitched from Estância de Bras to the main road (just a few kilometers) with the local youth football team that was going to either practice or a match elsewhere on the island. In the latter case, it was in a Yasi (Hiace) vehicle, so I offered to pay, which the driver refused, which made it technically a hitch.
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