Tuva is a small republic located in the southern part of Siberia in some valleys surrounded by Sayan mountains. Rigorous dry climate and remoteness from main routes makes this place equal to russian Far North and doubles salaries of locals. Tuva people are seems to be distinctive and closed comparing to other nations of Russia. They prefer their own language to speak in any situation. Some narrow-minded russians found tuvaspeaking locals is dangerous but Tuva people as dangerous as dangerous Kirgiz people in Kirgizstan. Common behavior of locals in Tuva is similar to Kirgisians as both of them are highly dangerous after alcohol consumption. No matter high salaries of some people Tuva is very poor region. Low standart of living and high unemployment as in Kirgizia takes a bit more attention to some sides of travelling. There is simple rules helping avoid some trobles: relax, wear simple clothes, don't demonstrate expensive stuff from backpack also avoid villages at night and avoid drunk locals.
Tuve is unpredictible place showing its opposite sides to different people. Someone wait lift for hours, someone h-hike first car. Relax again and look around. Tuva is the small place where no time for hurry.
Getting in
There is a few ways to visit Tuva
Foreigners can't cross russian-mongolian border in Tuva unfortunately (2012).
Best way to make first impression to travel around Sayan Ring. Ring starts in Abakan passes through Kyzyl, Ak-Dovurak, Abaza, Askiz and coming back to Abaksn after 1000+ kilometers.