Birmingham (Alabama)

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United States > Alabama > Birmingham (Alabama)
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Birmingham is the largest city of Alabama, United States.

If you have no luck hitchhiking out, I suggest to check posts on Craigslist, for the rides from both Nashville, Knoxville or Asheville, as there are many ride offers from drivers going towards New Orleans, and passing through Birmingham.

Hitchhiking out

West towards Tuscaloosa and New Orleans

It's not very easy hitchhiking out, as many western suburbs of Birmingham along the I-20.svg are considered dangerous. I tried hitching out of McCalla (20 miles west), but no one pulled over for 2.5 hrs. My local friend recommended to reach Tuscaloosa first, and hitch further from there, as it's safer and more relaxed city. Jan 2018

Applications-office.png This article is a stub. This means that the information available to us is obviously insufficient. In these places little information is available or the description is severely outdated. If you have been there, whether hitchhiking, for travel or as part of an organized tour − be sure to extend this article!