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Nordtirol ist der Hauptteil des österreichischen Bundeslandes Tirol und liegt im Westen des Landes. Der andere Teil ist Osttirol. Osttirol gehört auch zu Österreich, aber hab keine gemeinsame Grenze mit Nordtirol.

Nordtirol grenzt an Salzburg im Osten, Bayern im Norden, Vorarlberg im Westen, Graubünden im Südwesten und Südtirol im Süden. Die Hauptstadt ist Innsbruck.


Hitching in

Bozen nach Innsbruck, This might be tricky. There is a roundabout, but not too much space for cars to stop. It might be better to find a spot closer to the city centre. If you're into that sorta thing, for 15 euros you can take a train all the way to Kufstein, which is very close to the German border.

You can also try the "statale" going North, which is Via Brennero.

München nach Innsbruck, Die A8 beginnt innerhalb der Stadt. A few hundred meters before the beginning, there is a bus stop, so enough place to stop. Take a subway to Karl-Preis-Platz or just walk from the town center along Rosenheimer Straße. It's recommended to put Rosenheim on a sign, which is the next city along the motorway. Close to Rosenheim, there is a huge service area (Irschenberg), where you will surely get a ride to Österreich.

München nach Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Seefeld, A 95. Der beste Startpunkt zum "Stoppen" ist auf der Fürstenrieder Straße. Dort ist eine Bushaltestelle 200 Meter nach der Kreuzung "Würmtalstraße-Fürstenriederstraße". Fahrzeuge können hier leicht anhalten. Benutze das Zeichen(A 95, oder "Garmisch"). In the evenings you can try to get a lift at the traffic light at the crossways. Both spots are not really good but okay.

The Samerburg service station on Autobahn A8 south of Munich seems a good option for hitching from here to Innsbruck in Austria as shortly after it, the A12 heads south to Austria.

But picking up lifts going to Innsbruck from here might be difficult as the vast majority of traffic is heading for Munich.

Best advice: look for Swiss plates for cars that might be heading through Innsbruck to Switzerland or, better still, Austrian ones. Approach drivers in the rest stop and ask them, in German preferably, if they are heading to Innsbruck. Be prepared for it to take time though.

If this doesn't work out, try to hitch a sympathetic ride into Munich that will drop you at the entrance to the A95 to Garmisch and from there hitch village by village over the border into Innsbruck.

Hitching out

Innsbruck nach Salzburg, Rosenheim, München Startpunkt ist die Ausfahrt "Innbruck Ost" bei der Tankstelle am Ende der Amraser Straße. Gegenüber davon ist das Einkaufszentrum "DEZ". Die Mit der Buslinie D oder und Linie T kommt man nach "DEZ Ost", die letzten Meter muss man gehen. Siehe Fahrplan. Der Bus kostet 1.70€ (Stand: Sommer 2008). Ein Zeichen für die gewünschte Richtung könnte helfen. Alles Gute!

Kufstein nach München, Salzburg (and probably also South) From the train station (e.g. because you took a cheap train from a city like Trento in Italy) you have to take the second street on the left. After a while you'll see a sign that says Munich. You can easily hitch on that road already. Guaka was quickly picked up and dropped off at a round-about for the highway entrance. Here you only have to go a short distance to get at Raststaette Inntal.

Innsbruck towards Landeck, Reutte, Füssen, Kempten, Scharnitz, Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Munich There are several opportunities in Innsbruck but no real "first choice" option. So here is one: Highway exit Innsbruck Kranebitten, This a a lonely highway exit in the very west of Innsbruck with a free Space just in the middle of the different lanes joining together in the direction of Bregenz and Germany. It is not a nice spot but it works!

Getting there by bus Take line T of the IVB Busses running towards "EKZ CYTA" a suburban shopping center. You are passing the highway exit by bus just after crossing the Inn River bridge. Get of the Bus at EKZ Cyta, get all you need at the shopping center and walk back to the highway exit, which comes first after the roundabout. Watch Fahrplan The bus takes you 1.70€ (Summer 2008).A sign indicating your desired direction might help you getting along. Good luck!

Just a kilometer after you enter the highway, the road splits up - one minor road running north directly to Germany (Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Munich) and the highway continuing to run west - make sure you are in the desired direction!