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5,473 bytes added, 23:59, 5 September 2015
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And one more trick in trains between Bratislava and Kosice, which go through Zilina. This trains have a lot of carriages, and still sometimes crowded. Number of carriages is 10-13 during day with 2-3 conductors and 5-7 carriages during night time with 1-2 conductors. The key is that conductor do not go so often, usually once a 2-5 stations, especially in night trains. You can walk around conductor to area where tickets have been already checked. You can use outside way in some stops or walk around conductor inside train (wait when conductor finish your wagon and return for backpack). Interval to next check is quite long and conductor check new passengers only. You do not answer for new passenger checking (Sleep, look out of window, read a book). But be carefull in station Zilina - this is place for change conductors crew and new conductors checked all passengers. Similar situation is for EC from Prague to Budapest in Slovakian area (From Kuty to Sturovo). Conductor go only one or two times and you can walk around conductor. The similar situation is fror IC and EX trains from Prague to Zilina through Vsetin and Puchov. Conductor go only one or two times and you can change trains in Puchov (train from Bratislava go few minutes after) in Slovakian part. Ticket between last czech and first slovakian stop is quite expensive, and price in train (buy from conductor) can be cheaper than normal. Conductor usually do not go in border Kuty-Breclav but yes in border Horni Lidec - Puchov. If you are captured without ticket, you can be kicked out or conductor ask for paying penalty or your ID in EC train. Because of immigrats and druck, there are usually cops or security in international EC trains and sometimes might check your backpack and pockets (in Czech Area sometimes, especially in trains from Poland). More coops an be in international trains now because of immigrants. Trains between Kosice and Bratislava though Zilina, Trains between Czech Republic and Budapest through Bratislava and trains from Czech to Zilina through Puchov go once a two hours during day time.
== [[Denmark]] ==
Denmark is very flat country with a lot of sea around. There are very good hitchbility and trains going in Denmark too co course. But there is a lot of rain in Denmark, not so ideal for sleeping outside and hitchhiking. So if you like to take train without ticket, you can use it. There are no information about stops during journey or map with trains in railway station, so it is quite difficult to find good journey and orientation for non-local people is difficult. Only information about departure and final destination and type of train are aviable.
Regional trains have distance between stops about 5-15 km and interval to next train is about one hour. These trains have few carriages and number of passengers is medium or not so much. IC trains have distance between stops about 15-40 km (EC trains have longer distances between stops). IC trains go usually once per hour and there are about 3-8 wagons and a lot of passengers.
Conductor go after every station and he checks only new passengers quite quickly. There are about two wagons per conductor and ticket inspection is quite fast after station. He usually do not think so much about who is new passenger. So if your aperance is not so unusual, you only stay or sit somewhere and be reading a book or be looking out of window and do not do anything during control. But it do not work after first stop – at the begin of journey, of course.
You can very easily use short distance ticket trick. You just buy ticket only for one or two station and you show it to conductor, but do not get of at the end of ticket and you continue journey. Standard ticket price is about 1 danish crown per 1 km, it is Eur 3 per 30 km or 6-8 Eur per 100 km, so it is quite expensive for poor people, but not for local residents.
Conductor usually do not check toilets. So when you see that conductor is coming, you go to toilet, lock or do not lock the door and play shitting, hold toilet paper etc. You just go out of toilet after control. But in EC and IC trains are a lot of passengers and passengers go to toilet quite often and you can not hide there because somebody already use it. So it is standard situation – you want to hide during ticket inspection and toilets are with somebody. You can try to walk around conductor or just sit or stay and be looking out of window. Because of conductor have only two carriages usually and check new passengers every stops, walking around conductor to area, where tickets have been already checked do not work correctly.
If travelers without ticket are captured, they usually have not been kicked out of train. Conductor ask them for ID (Passport, Driving licence or identity card). If you refuse to give ID, conductor probably want to call cops. You can try to get more and more time to next stop and you go out of train in next stop, but if you are in EC or IC train, conductor have enough time for writing penalty or calling cops. The fine is Danish Crown 750 (about Eur 100) and it is written in all stops and railways. If you are not Danish, just show identity card. Conductor probably takes only your name and surname and your country, probably not your address or birth date. This is not exact identification of course.
The penalty is your ticket and you can continue with penalty until final station (penalty price do not depend to distance, just tell to conductor your final destination). But you can not use the penalty or classic ticket to next train (You have to change trains sometimes during journey and penalty is not transfer ticket. Ticket are sold by automatic machines, these machines work with coins and credit cards. But you usually can buy ticket only for one train, strange). Good journey is for example from Flensburg (German-Danish border) to Alborg (North Denmark). Through Frederica and Arhaus. There are about 5-7 stops between Frederica and Arhaus and only 3 stops from Arhaus to Alborg for IC trains. But it means too, that conductor have enough time for writing penalty. If you get penalty, you can take with this penalty whole journey for example from Flensburg to Alborg. It is you ticket.
[[User:PeterOB|PeterOB]] travelled in Denmark in August 2015 and he use trains too, because it was windy and rain whole day – not so good weather for hitchhiking. PeterOB went from Kolding to Alborg in North trought Frederica. He was hiding in toilet (he do not lock door, sit and hold toilet paper) or he just stay and look out of window. He do not met conductor in train from Kolding to Frederica. 7 stops from Frederica to Arhaus was more difficult. PeterOB combined toilet tactic and just looking out of window. But only two carriages go from Arhaus to Alborg and PeterOB have to change place in train. New conductor start checking tickets, PeterOB want to go to toilet but there was already somebody. So PeterOB walked around conductor and when conductor went back, he asked for a ticket and wrote penalty for PeterOB. There is a lot of time from Arhaus to first station Randers. So PeterOB went with penalty to final destination and he will newer pay the penalty DKR 750 (About Eur 100).
As you know, Denmark is very rich country and supermarkets waste a lot of food. Trash bins are easily accessible and there are a lot of fruits, vegetables, bread, some sweets and milk product. You can easily eat a lot of food from trash-bins everywhere in Denmark. So if you are kicked out of train, just find some meal in trash.
== [[France]] ==
On the weekends, it's easy to hitch regional trains with other people's group tickets. There's a ticket valid for up to five people on regional trains throught Germany on Saturday and Sunday called the '''Schoenes Wochenend Ticket''', which is generally cheaper than a round trip ticket or two tickets. The result is that any group from two to four people is using one of these tickets, and has a free spot. Simply get on any regional train (not IC or ICE) or walk around the platform before the train arrives. Ask groups of people if they're traveling with a SW ticket and if they have a free spot on the ticket. Usually they will let you ride for free, but if they ask for a few euroes, you can always barter (another person doesn't cost them any more) or ask more people. On most regional trains, there's someone who will let you ride for free. Beware of rideshares (mitfahrgelegenheit), which always ask for money. Also, when you reach your ticket-holder's destination, ask if they still need the ticket! If they're transferring or taking the S-Bahn, they will probably use the same ticket. But if not, they will probably give you their ticket and you can use it to continue on your way. Take it even if they wrote their name on it, because you will rarely be asked to ID yourself. Questions about this method of traveling can be directed toward [[User talk:Dr.Keith|Keith]], who has used this method extensively throughout Germany.
[[User:PeterOB|PeterOB]] do not think that you are only kicked out of train. Control is very hard and pedant – all passengers, all places and WC too are checked. In high speed trains ICE with not so much stops – you have to manage seat reservation and conductor have free seats and seats with person in computer and compare stats with computer every station.
You can go to prison for free riding in Germany, not only in train. If you are captured first time, you only get penalty and controlor ask for your ID. If you are captured more times, you can get to jail for few weeks (or months, up to one year). And it is not only in train. For example you were captured first time in train and you got penalty. But you were captured second time in tram and you will go to jail for two weeks ( [[User:PeterOB|PeterOB]] 's friend was captured in train and second time in tram and he go to jail for 14 days).
Generally, Germany is very bad and unrecommended for free riding in trains or public transport. But classic hitchhiking is quite good. Dumpster diving is quite good, especially a lot of bread in trash.

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