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Celebrating the introduction of deposit on cans and plastic bottles, the 17th European Hitchgathering will take place in Austria from August 1st to August 15th 2025. Yay!

What? Hitchgathering is a DIY hitchhiking festival that has been organised since 2008. It usually happens in August and sees a bunch of hitchhikers congregate at a different spot in Europe. Usually the bulk of the food is obtained by dumpsterdiving and cooked on the fire; everything else is open to everybody's imagination. Usually there is swimming, music, games, story-telling, workshops... whatever you can come up with! Everybody is welcome without any need to announce your presence or register yourself anywhere beforehand. The main organisation platform is this wiki page; there is also the Hitchwiki Signal group. Often there are pregatherings (see below) where people can meet beforehand and perhaps already start a caravan towards the main gathering.

Where? There is no location fixed, yet. Do you have any ideas?


  • Main organisation platform is this wiki page. Here you can collect/present proposals and use the talk page
  • Other communication channels are the mailing list, Signal-group and the Facebook group. Please transfer all relevant info to the wiki page.

Pre- and Postgatherings

Some rumours about a potential pregathering at somebody's parents' place have been spread.

Further Proposals