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Brandon is the second-largest city in Manitoba, Canada, and is located in the southwestern area of the province. The city is located along the Assiniboine River. Spruce Woods Provincial Park and CFB Shilo are a relatively short distance to the southeast of the city. Minnedosa Lake is only half an hour to the north. Turtle Mountain Provincial Park is only about an hour to the South.

Hitchhiking East or West (via #1 TransCanada highway)

Brandon is, for the most part, right beneath the #1 TransCanada highway. Hitch East or West from where it intersects with the #10 highway (18th St.) or #1A highway (Victoria Ave.)

Hitchhiking South towards Minto / Boissevain / Turtle Mountain Provincial Park (via #10 highway)

The #10 highway is 18 St. in the city.

Hitchhiking through

  • See note in Places to Avoid section.


Places to avoid

Avoid Using the #110 Bypass Highway Note: If hitching through Brandon, from or heading South, it is not advisable to take the #110 bypass highway, as few locals use or even know about this highway. It looks good on the map, but you're probably better off catching a through-city ride or busing from one end to the other.

Accommodation and Sleep

Heading West

There is a campground named "Meadowlark" directly off the TCH between the MacDonalds and "Freightliner Manitoba" if you've been a few days without a shower and some clean clothes. However it's $18/ night just for your tent, and the laundry is coin-operated.

There is a great free option behind the Freightliner Manitoba building, just along the border of the golf course there is a small line of "forest" with some really decent spots. One to the far right would be great for someone without a tent, very stealthy but there is another, perhaps even better spot only 20ft to the left. Look into the clearing and to the right to see the bigger clearing, it's kinda under a little hill blocking you from view. You'll see a rock with my name on it and you'll know you're in the right place. Don't go poking around there until after they close around 5-6pm because they'll know what your up to, and try not to alert the golfers. Tim Horton's and McD is right around the corner for some wifi and charging time and it's a perfect place to hitch further west.

Other useful info