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4 bytes added, 13:32, 23 January 2015
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===What to be careful with in the outback===
It is written in its own name! The outback is far from eveything and "cities" can be very far from each other. What look to be a big town on the map can actually be a village with a dozen of houses. Some parts of the outback are so remote that you do not want to be stuck there by hitchhiking!
Definitely make sure you carry enough water AT ALL TIMES (3 litres per person/per day would be a minimum). It is very easy to get dehydrated under the Australian sun. If you can get decent water, all the better, but don't bank on it. Most bores are quite brackish tasting and roadhouse taps are heavily chlorinated -- here's to a good litre of fresh rainwater on a sunny 45 degree day!
Be aware that phone coverage has a high chance of being nonexistent.
If you're in the tropics, be careful where you swim (crocodiles) but don't worry too much about the other wildlife. Generally speaking, if you leave it alone, it will leave you alone but Australia has a dangerous wildlife in terms of spiders and snakes so keep it in mind (very very few people die every year so don't stress too much either!)
===Personal experiences===
:I managed from [[Broome]] through to Kununurra, Katherine up to [[Darwin]] and down to Alice. The only time I had to wait more than a half-hour was when I was dropped off on the turn off to Batchelor, which while on the main highway, is a real bad spot with nothing and no one for a long way. Anyway, give it a go. (Amory Tarr)