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Tucson is a city in Arizona.


Heading East

take the bus ($1.00) as far east as it will go (Harrison Rd), continue walking about a mile down to Houghton Rd and head south. From here you'll probably want to try hitching out to the interstate, seeing as its quite a lengthy walk. it may also help to hitch out to Rita Ranch, a prominent housing development much closer to the freeway. There are plenty of good spots to stand just before the on-ramp.

Heading West

Take the bus ($1.00) to downtown Tucson then, or if you're already near by, walk to speedway and head west to I-10. it should be rather easy to find. This ramp attracts most people from the east, west and central parts of town. Construction of the four lane finished recently, but it hasn't eased congestion. All exiting and merging traffic is diverted to the frontage roads, so you might want to try your luck there on the corner. There is a Circle K right at this ramp, so you can get courtesy cups of water if you are waiting for long. trash:Tucson