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Marcus De

Joined 10 June 2013
Revision as of 23:55, 10 June 2013 by Marcus De (talk | contribs)

About Me

My name is Marcus. I'm a musician living in Budapest, Hungary but I'm originally from Lugau, Germany. So far I've been hitchhiking in Australia, the Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Iceland, India, the Netherlands, Slovakia & the US. I've made lots of pretty amazing experiences with hitchhiking, that I wanna share with this page.

Hitchhiking Journal


Inspired by Elisa, my lovely roommate at that time, I decided to give hitchhiking a first try in 2010. I decided to go to Osnabrück to visit my girlfriend, who studied there at that time, but unlike usually chose to hitchhike, rather than rideshare. Being overly happy about a guy saying, he's goin' North, I also immediately made my first mistake... I started from Leipzig and would have gone A14 to Magdeburg, then A2 to Hannover -> Bad Oeynhausen then A30 to Osna - usually 4-6 hours driving. But instead I totally messed up that there are 2 highways going north -> A9 North to Berlin and A14 NorthWEST to Magdeburg. Of course there was no rest station to get off, once I realized, that Berlin is the wrong highway... So I thought it'll be alright and I'll just get off at the last gas station before the Berlin Ring Highway and ask around for whoever's goin West (Magdeburg). Unfortunately it turned out, people would go a lot of different directions, into Berlin, Hamburg, Rostock, Stralsund and Frankfurt_an_der_Oder but nobody went west. Why? Everyone coming from Leipzig or in between would have taken the A14 directly. So after asking around for quite long and going back into the gas station to check the maps a again, a man helped and told me I wouldn't find anyone. So -believe it or not- he went 45 min out of his direction to drive me to the next gas station on the A2 -> this time heading the right direction... Funnily enough, and to prevent these things from happening again, he gave me his Atlas for the future - great guy! Getting there it was already dark and so I only managed to go to Hannover that day. Luckily my brother lives there, so I crashed at his and proceeded the next day to Osna... What a bad start - yet I've learned so much right away :)