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Joined 3 October 2008
Revision as of 23:22, 15 January 2011 by Stove (talk | contribs)


About Me

Born in Philadelphia, PA and quickly shipped off to Norwell, MA, USA; Educated in Rochester, NY, and landed in Burlington, VT.

Along the way to where I am, I've managed to pick up a degree in Electronic Engineering, a minor in (and fascination with) psychology, and a smattering of jobs ranging from Semiconductor Designer to Paintball Referee. I've learned to enjoy life, whatever the circumstance.

Some of my more infamous nicknames include: MacGuyver (I get this at least once a year), Knife (I've always got one), and of course Stove, from the 8/8/8 Hitch-gathering.

Current Plans

I'm back in the good ole US of A. Bought a Ford E150 Cargo van, threw some insulation and all of my worldly goods, and took off across the country. I'll still be hitching plenty on the west coast, it's just nice to have somewhere to return to, even if that somewhere has wheels.

Future Plans

I am looking at hitching down through south America in 2012.


I started hitch-hiking March of 2008. There was a small boat-hitching experience the prior summer, but I was assisted by a bridge. Long story.


Hitching around New England was relatively easy, especially in Vermont. The people are too friendly, and most people aren't in a hurry.

With a one-way ticket to Dublin, I began exploring Europe by way of the thumb (and signs...And poor german/french/romanian/italian/hungarian/russian/dutch). From Dublin to Scotland, I somehow got lost in the Balkans and ended up finding friends and comrades at 888. Cris-crossing France a few times, I was initially rejected by the British authorities (black mark. Sadly becoming more common), but eventually made my way to Scotland.

Hitching in Montana is pretty easy, but damn does it get cold out here!

Future Plans

Thru-hiking the Pacific Crest Trail in 2009.