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The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking

Revision as of 14:58, 31 March 2010 by Guaka (talk | contribs)

The Pros and Cons of Hitch Hiking is a "concept album" by English musician Roger Waters, former Pink Floyd musician. Apart from that we might also be able to say something sensible that's actually related to hitchhiking.

Pros of hitchhiking

  • Adventure
  • Free as in free beer
  • Free as in free speech
  • It lets to get more in touch with the local culture
  • Environmentally friendly. While public transportation is okay, they still put in service more vehicles as more and more passengers show up, on the other hand, travelling by hitchhiking results (almost) no more carbon emission than the car you are getting into will release anyway.

Cons of hitchhiking

  • Hard to be sure when you're getting somewhere, although after a couple of years of hitchhiking in a country you'll get a fair good idea about when you can be somewhere.
  • It might seem dangerous, although with some precautions hitchhiking is fairly safe.
  This article is a stub. This means that the information available to us is obviously insufficient. In these places little information is available or the description is severely outdated. If you have been there, whether hitchhiking, for travel or as part of an organized tour − be sure to extend this article!