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16 bytes added, 02:19, 14 May 2009
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'''Poznań''' is a city in western [[Poland]] with about 550 thousand inhabitants. It's a capital of Wielkoplskie region.
==To West towards [[GermanyBerlin]], [[BerlinGermany]]==
* The most efficient place, but not easy oneBy national road (droga krajowa) 92: <br>Go to Ogrody (last station of many trams 2, 7, 17, 18 and many buses) and take a busno 61 (not any other with the same terminus!)in direction: Krzyżowniki. Get out at the ninth stop called <b>Ul Wichrowa</b>and walk along the road for about 300 m then you will see petrol station and McD's Ask drivers there or stay on the road with sign or thumb. Also about 100 mafter this place is a bus stop so its it's more convenient for drivers to stop their car.
:''' attention!''' this place is not very good. Try to get directly on the A2, from the south of Poznan or at least in Pniewy (30km after Poznan). The A2 will take you to Frankfurt(Oder) and directly on the German motorway A12. If you try the option described above, it will take you on small roads to Kostrzyń and from there on small roads to Berlin.
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