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Hitchwiki:Community Portal

56 bytes added, 20:52, 17 April 2007
no edit summary
Hey i put an article on hitch stop signs and even referenced it. MtTweak deleted it becasue: 1. It had some German quotes (which were translated) . No where does it say content has to be in english. 2. He did not undserstand it. the idea was to have a road sign like a bus stop but to show where it was safe to hitch hike. As I am travllening I could not do much more on it.
I think that the deletion was too hasty. There was no discussion!!! The fact that it linked to another projcet project on hiking was also removed wiha claikm with a claim the link did not work!!
I also see MrTweak refroemated ana rticel reformated an article i submitted on the search for the commons to remove the contact details for the hitvching hitching project OI , I put there . He did this under the title formatting. I've no problem with formating to make it easier to read or for house style. But these seem hasty and not useful. Its Markus here - not logged inunder my name. perhaps Perhaps we can discuss this so that marked for deletion stays up for a short while like in Wikipedia and is not removed with no chance for defence! / development.
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