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82 bytes added, 15:36, 5 August 2016
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Another great spot in this area is a big petrol station (also see [ map]). Directions: from Pratignone station walk southward on Via di Pratignone. Turn left on Via degli Olmi, cross the bridge over the highway and turn right on Via di Limite. You will walk through a little tunnel and see a few houses on your right; after you´ve passed the last house, walk on the dirt to your right and step over a little fence to reach the highway. There´s a gap in the sound-wall through which you can get behind it (you can see it on Google street view [,11.1608223,3a,75y,70.65h,76.79t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1so86xaAzW0IhgHPeOgqLyfQ!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1 here]. Now you´re on the highway exit-road (watch out, cars drive fast here!) and there´s a fence between you and the petrol station. Turn left and just walk left for 200 m (towards the highway) to pass the fence where it ends (again, Street View is your friend, see [,11.1589935,3a,75y,289.64h,70.7t/data=!3m6!1e1!3m4!1sfkYR7CvpQ31rNmNvaZDdxA!2e0!7i13312!8i6656!6m1!1e1 here]).
Yet another option: take a bus from the train station (Santa Maria Novella) to the airport, where the A11 highway starts. (The best option is to take the bus that goes to the airport, as there are many busy intersecting highways in the area that are difficult to cross if you don't get dropped off in the right place.) There is a petrol station on via Vialle Alessandro GuidoniViale Giovanni Luder, near where the highway starts(see [ map].
=== South towards [[Rome]], [[Napoli]] {{European Route Number|35}}, towards [[Sienna]] ===