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1 byte added, 11:36, 4 August 2018
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For all EU-passport holders keep in mind that you can travel with your ID in Serbia as well as Kosovo. Therefore to avoid problems just use your IDs for both countries and you will be save anyway.
''Kral vsech mori- april 2017'': I've entered Kosovo from Albania and from Kosovo I wanted go to Sebia. I have two passports(EU passports) so I used one for Kosovo control and hoped that if I will use another one for Serbian control, they will not see my Kosovo stamp and will not know from where I entered Kosovo but it didn' t worked and I have to go through Macedonia. But they told me that if I would have ID card with me, that they would alowed me to go without any problems.
==== Macedonia ====
As written above, it is strongly not recommended to cross [[Merdare border crossing|Kosovar-Serbian border]] after entering to Kosovo from Macedonia.
= == Cities ===
* [[Pristina|Prishtina]]
* [[Prizren]]