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Top tips

197 bytes added, 00:58, 24 August 2014
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== [[Appearance|Types of clothing]] ==
[[File:Img0080ow5.jpg|thumb|280px|left|Many hitchhiking spots are dusty. White shoes not advised.]]
Although this may seem to be a small matter, types and colour of clothing are very important. Try to wear light, even bright and colourful clothes, and have your non-thumbing hand visible since light coloured clothes inspire more [[trust]] than darker clothes. Also, if the weather permits it, try to keep your forearms visible. If people can see your hands and arms, they'll be less likely to see you as a threat, or as someone trying to conceal something. A fun and colourful clothes/hat is a great way to inspire people to pick you up, but be careful not to appear weird!If you have the option, wear clothes that area clean and decent, even if you've been traveling for days. It's worth keeping a clean 'travel tee' handy just for sitting in the car with your driver.
If you can, don’t wear your old clothes or clothes that might frighten a driver (such as a T-shirt with a skull). Conservative people only take well shaved guys with proper clothes. Liberal-minded people always take you, but even conservative (or old) people can be very helpful on your trip. (I don't think this is of overwhelming importance. I often hitch wearing red tartan pants, punk/metal t shirts and black leather boots and I get rides just as often as the next guy!)