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1,328 bytes added, 00:42, 7 August 2014
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''I hitchhiked around Bolivia for 3 months; I entered the country with $400 chilean pesos (about US $0.70) and left it with three Bolivianos and a sunburn. The hitchhiking is medium to good, depending on the region, the people are extremely friendly, and the country is easily the cheapest in South America'' -[[User:Themodernnomad|themodernnomad]]
May/ August 2014 " I hitchhiked in both parts of Bolivia, i.e. Occidental and Oriental, and it really is like chalk and cheese, or campa e colla as the locals say. On the mountainous West, a bus really is probably a more wise option. The locals tend not to be warm, receptive or curious about hitchhikers, with some exceptions. A bus out of La Paz, and then hitching on the main highways would work. Truckers will pick you up, as they often come from more friendly states. I got rides out of Titicaca and a few others, but with white lies about thefts, which I never feel easy using.
3 months later, a little scarred, I entered the Oriental lowlands, which was vastly easier. Most of the times I was picked up by the very ride. Easy peasey! I took a route up through the Jesuit Ruins, for a dash of culture, very easy to hitch, and a few taxi drivers will take you for free if you blether away and entertain them with stories. You wont make the same grade of connections with your hitches on the whole, like in Argentina and Chile, but it was much easier than I anticipated. To crown it, getting free passage on a petrol barge to Brazil was a piece of cake, not even having to work for it. Slept in many shop fronts, and sometimes near police stations. But in the country, it is quite safe'' [[User:lukeyboy95|lukeyboy95]]
[[Category:South America]]