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653 bytes added, 03:22, 16 February 2013
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'''Queenstown ''' is a stunningly beautifull beautiful mountain town in [[New Zealand]], next to lake Wakatipu.
Hitching around the Queenstown area is really easy. Going intercity is easy, simply get to Frankton (which is a tiny locality where everything is within walking distance) and stand by the highway you want to travel down and go for it. Being a major tourist spot and ultra-beautifull spot people in the area are usually good sprited and happy to help.{{IsIn|New Zealand}} === Helpful tips to get around === The Mediterranean Market (5 minute walk from the centre of town in direction ''Arrowtown'') has a fairly open dumpster policy. Just ask them and you can often get pretty good vegetables.  If you need to do laundry just walk up to where Man Street meets Thompson Street (a place called deco backpackers is on the corner). if you're coming up Man street just continue straight into what used to be a caravan park for 100 meters until you get to the big Kitchen/Laundry etc house in the middle. Laundry is 1 dollar and the Dryer is 1 dollar. A pretty good deal in other words.
[[Category:New Zealand]]

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