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1,010 bytes added, 23 February
Personal experiences
''[[User:lukeyboy95|lukeyboy95]] had a fantastic time hitchhiking in March 2013. Not without its dramas, but no adventure is. I kept to the Western fringe, avoiding most cities. I had a sign that read de-bien-che, in characters, and this was mildly understood by some. Roads are excellent, fast and new, and distances can be very large. I beat my record, at 1200km in one day in the North West region. Big cities are a total horror, try and get trains out where possible. Have your little list of phrases ready to point at, it isnt rude. The Chinese are spirited people, and connecting with them wasnt a problem. If they look like taxi drivers, or a little hard up, reiterate that you cant pay money for the ride. One thing of note was that at the border with Krygyzstan, the immigration police wouldn't let me past unless I was in a taxi. A little overnight protest outside their spanking new offices brough results, and the next day they put me in a pick-up. An interesting border, and be careful with this. In general I found the police enormously helpful, kind and well meaning. On two times, they put paid for a train for me, drove me out to the highway, even gave me money and invited me into their homes. China holds many adventures for the the hitchhiker! ''
Hitchhikernick - was there in October 2016 for 2 weeks and Jan 2017 for 10 days. Hitched all of the eastern half of China with ease. At many highway tolls the staff would help me get a ride, only one had an issue, but luckily a driver pulled up when the staff were warning me they were going to call police. Police did help me on a few occasions as well. Waiting time was about 10 minutes in most cases, though there were odd occasions where I had to wait a while. Visited most of impressive National Parks in this time frame and Huashan 3 times to get a good photo of the famous plank walk. Camped out discreetly and publicly very easily as everything is orderly and compacted into the cities with open spaces inbetween, totally opposite to india. Border crossings were straight forward but crossed both from Vietnam and into Mongolia by transport. Hardly ever got asked for money and managed to communicate with apple maps and sign language/images/gestures. Even managed to hitch out of Beijing twice without difficulty.
== Maps ==
{{Provinces China}}
{{IsIn|Eastern Asia}}

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