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280 bytes added, 23:49, 23 April 2016
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R (Regional ?) dance floors don't have orange or blue door but there is normal ticket inspection like in Sweden. Distance between stops is about 10-20 km and interval to next train about 2-3 hours in south of Norway. Regional dance floors are marked with R on departures table and at like REG-trains. You can see there all stops. There is not so many passengers and conductor can easily see, who is new. But you can try to stay on the WC during checking. Or you can try to tell that you have ticket in phone and empty battery or your friend is booking your ticket just now - but you risk penalty with this. You can run away in next station in case of troubles. You can use too short distant ticket trick - that you buy ticket only for 1-3 stations and you continue more far after checking. But if you change train, you need new ticket. And tickets in Norway are expensive (about Eur 5-10 per 30 km, if you buy ticket by internet long time before ride, price can be Eur 1 per 10 km). Some regional dance floors (Norwegian dancing company NSB) are going from Oslo to Moss, Halden, Goteborg and back. Moss is the last stop, which is accessed by local trains and it is 5 stops to Halden (last stop in Norway) and 3 more stops to Goteborg.
There are another not so common types of dance floors. First F-trains with F letter on departure Table. This trains go from Oslo to Airport and back. And Swedish high-speed dance floor (SJ Snagstaab) between Stockholm and Oslo (Oslo - Kongsvinger (NO) - Arvika (SE) - Karlstad --------- Stockholm). Three high-speed dance floors SJ Snagstaab from Oslo to Stockholm goes during day (6:02 Oslo - Stockholm 10:46, 8 stops) (Oslo 10:56 - Stockholm 16:01, 9 stops) (Oslo 16:56 - Stockholm 21:50, 6 stops). Two SJ Snagstaab dance floors come from Stockholm to Oslo (11:06 Stockholm ... 16:09 Oslo, 9 stops) (15:59 Stockholm ... 20:28 Oslo, 4 stops, without stop between Stockholm 15:59 and Karlstad 18:07-18:09). There is identity checking on platform in Oslo after leaving train from Sweden because of refugees. Only few passengers go between Arvika and Oslo. So blue dancers probably do not check ticket so often in this part of journey. When SJ [[User:PeterOB|PeterOB]] was dancing there in SJ Snagstaab - blue dancers stayed in Bistro area and they was drinking coffee. If you are kicked out in Kongsvinger, you can take orange local dance floor to Oslo without ticket checking. Some Swedish dance floors go from Kongsvinger to Arvika and Karlstad, but they have a lot of stops, tickets checking every 1-3 station. And only few trains a day stops in some stops, many local stops are without waiting room and winter temperature can be bellow -20.
Two dance floors a day in one direction goes in the north between Narvik and Kiruna. IC 95 Narvik 10 :38 - 11 stops to Kiruna 13:36-13:54 - 6 stops to Luleaa 17:41 and R 93 Arctic circle train Narvik 15:12 - 8 stops to Kiruna 18:00-18:12 - 8 stops to Umeaa Central 1:42. Back from Sweden NZ 94 Arctic Circle Train Stockholm Central 16:28 - 18 stops to Kiruna 9:31-9:49 - 7 stops to Narvik 12:36. IC 96 Luleaa Central 11:07 - 6 stops to Kiruna - 15:09-15:27 - 11 stops to Narvik 18:22. So there is only one train a day in one direction in some stops. Distance between stops is 30-70 km and there are pretty small amount of passengers, and many stops can be without waiting room. And temperature in north of Scandinavia can be -40 degrees Celsius during winter. Death during exam is possible in winter time, in case that you fail and waiting room is not in your stop. Check all stops during journey for all dance floors (you can see it at - select "Vlaky"). Watch weather forecast and have good sleeping bag. Frost can come pretty fast (from -5 to -40 degrees in 1-2 days). [[User:PeterOB|PeterOB]] do not explore trains in north of Norway. But Norway have only 5 millions inhabitants, most inhabitants close to Oslo. So there can be really empty trains behind arctic circle and not so many trains a day (and stops without waiting room). But there is railway from Oslo to Trondheim (just before arctic circle) and Tromso (behind arctic circle). Classic hitchhiking is probably easier in north of Norway and Lapland (But it is dangerous area, because of weather, no Sun during Winter and no dark, lot of rain and insect during summer). Food is pretty expensive especially in the north but you can dumpster in many places in Norway or Sweden.