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删除354字节2009年7月16日 (四) 22:01
* 不是一个好的出发地.因为加油站一般距离市中心都很远。
== 停车带 坡路 ==
[[File:Spot-sharing.jpg|thumb|right|400px| [[888]]-event讨论会在研究[[巴黎]]何处搭车]]
高速 停车带 坡路 是司机停下的最佳选择。
美国的很多地区, 等车带 坡路 是 '''唯一''' 合法的搭车地点。在所有欧洲国家高速公路会交点搭车是合法的,
== 收费亭 ==
== On the road 在路上 ==
The countryside, especially where traffic speed is lower than about 乡村地段,特别是 60 km/h, can be a good place for hitching. Traffic on minor roads on the countryside can offer great rides to get to the nearest bigger city, or onto the main infrastructure以下的地方比较适合搭车. 乡村小路上的车能拉你到最近的大城市。
Often on bigger roads the slow在一些省道, local traffic coming from smaller sideroads may provide excellent rides岔道过来的本地的车也能有非常好效果,他们开得慢 --很简单截停他们, and it is quite often quite easy to flag those drivers down, as a very personal and direct approach is often possible直接跟司机沟通比较有用.
Even national roads 甚至在国道上(non-motorway非高速路) often provide good space along the main flow of traffic有足够的空间, as there are often emergency lanes or so called 就是紧急停车带也叫做 [[Mehrzweckstreifen]].
Finally, hitchhiking on emergency lanes of motorways can be an option in case of traffic jams最后,在高速路紧急停车带搭车 不失为交通堵塞时的一种选择. In such situation using a 在这种情况下使用 [[signs|cardboard sign纸板路标]] is usually highly effective时非常高效的. It is necessary though to take maximum safety precautions 必须采取最大的安全措施 (we suppose you are smart enough to take these precautions), and you should know that hitchhiking on motorways is basically forbidden in most Western countries你要知道在西欧国家的高速路搭车是被禁止的.
== 问本地人 ==
问本地人哪里是好的搭车点能节省时间. 有时甚至能拉你一程. 问问他们以前是否看见过搭车人. 虽然他们的话不一定有用或者值得相信, 问几个当地人比较他们的建议你 对当地交通有个大致的了解 。
== 下车 ==
