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Обсуждение участника:Platschi

Версия от 23:49, 9 ноября 2010; MrTweek (обсуждение | вклад) (Fucking shit)
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Hey ,I think it's better to copy all stuff from ВЭ and then delete some places or create new articles istead to make original article smaller. If we will copy all stuff first after we don't need to compare Автостопвики and ВЭ to find what we've lost. There is alot of important info about cities - dates of establishing or population, places to visit and so on. At least our Австопвики is a kind a successor of ВЭ. Like a ВЭ 2.0 Siberian explorer 20:42, 6 ноября 2010 (CET):

Ok, I understand. What I did with Адыгея now is to scan the original article on ВЭ, put also some general stuff from wikipedia and pick out only important information, so it will all be cleaned up from the beginning. But copying all first and then edit is also fine, I don't mind :-) --Platschi 20:51, 6 ноября 2010 (CET)
Also reading ВЭ you will find special a bit funny language of our Russian h-hikers. Don't worry it's very common, so there is no need to fix all style mistakes in text. This language was created by hippies started h-hiking in USSR. Siberian explorer 21:19, 6 ноября 2010 (CET):
All right :) Give me 2-3 month to understand all the text anyway ;) So far Google Translate and my tiny knowledge of the Russian language are sufficient to understand it broadly. You have any examples of the Russian hippie language for me? :) --Platschi 21:27, 6 ноября 2010 (CET)

Fucking shit

Stop it. I mean copying. One angry "freetraveller" appeared and he is ready to go to lawer. I hate this when one hand do not know what other hand do. Thinking about what to do. Delete pages? Or cut them till xxx is a city in xxx, exits getting in, places to visit.

Where did he appear? What did he say? Nothing illegal happened here, yet. If he is serious about going to his lawyer, he should contact me directly (in English or German). Everything else would be senseless. If you are in contact with him, tell him that we don't intend to piss someone off, but as long as nobody complains here, we won't delete anything. The site runs in Germany under German law, btw ;) --MrTweek 15:46, 9 ноября 2010 (CET)
That was me. He've found him in livejournal.com where russians h-hikers widely presented. Anton Krotov redirected me to Vladislav with question about copying info and this guy replied after 1 week when we'd started copy process. I think we just need to rewrite articles a bit to cut all this bla-bla-bla (object of copyright) and leave just pure info. I google russian copyright laws today and asked here http://community.livejournal.com/ru_pravo/4589543.html So pure info describing something cannot be under copyright, but all this bla-bla-bla, all this adjectives and opinions about something is the object of copyright. I think it's pretty clear for me now. So as i'm only one active russian member I'll rewrite articles. Okay? Any questions? Suggestions? Siberian explorer 17:21, 9 ноября 2010 (CET):
Alright. Sounds good to me :) Keep on the good work ;) --MrTweek 22:49, 9 ноября 2010 (CET)
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