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254 байта добавлено, 07:17, 14 января 2016
Бот: добавлено he:טיפים
Существует несколько основных установок, которые пригодятся во время автостопа.
== [[Where to hitchhike|Be in a good, safe spot]] ==
[[File:Amylin_hitching_northern_ca.jpg|thumb|250px|left|This could be a good spot. You're easily visible, the drivers slow down at the junction, and there is an obvious place for them to stop.]]
It is basically possible to hitchhike from everyplaceПутешествовать автостопом можно везде, just keep a single rule of thumb in mindно важно помнить простое правило: The faster the cars the more space for the cars to stop is neededавтомобиль нельзя остановить мгновенно, это не космический корабль.
Be in a place where the cars can see you from a distance and stop safelyМесто, где может остановиться автомобиль должно быть безопасным и для автомобиля и для вас. You don't want to be run over. This is maybe the biggest [[Hitchhiker's safety|danger]] in hitchhikingЭто главное для обеспечениия безопасности в автостопе.
This is the case that the drivers consider as well. Few drivers stop unless it is safe for them. Some do, but you shouldn't count on them, as they are the minority. Therefore consider the safety of the driver as well, you don't want to involve them in an accident if they can't pull over safely. Make sure to not stand on the way, the driver will usually make their decision to stop or not when they see you from a distance and will get ready to pull over just next to you or right behind you. If you stand too much on the way (of the normal pulling aside triangle) you will make it complicated for them and they might change their mind. So one good option is to 'make sure' that your body language point out the area they would pull over in total comfort.
* [http://www.hitchbase.com Worldwide Database of Places for Hitchhikers]
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