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101 bytes removidos, 17h57min de 18 de fevereiro de 2021
There is a lot of campings near "Praia de Madalena". It is close to the city centre, you just have to take the bus number 906. A place costs 6 euro per night.
=== Eat Comer ===On the Na Rua Doutor Alves da Veiga/Rua de Fernandes Tomas every weekday charity organisations feed peopletodos os dias da semana, start at 21:00organizações de caridade alimentam as pessoas gratuitamente. Ofcourse for freeComeça às 21h.
Food is very cheap in Portugal, you can have a dinner for 3.5 euro.Comida barata e boa no Porto:
During Livediverse's stay in Porto, he got this recommendations for cheap vegan food: Res Rés da Rua
Casa da Horta
Espaço Compasso
You can also eat in some another places which serve organic food like Podes também comer noutros lugares que servem comida biológica, como o Quintal Bioshop. There is also a place called Há também um lugar chamado Suribachi which serves macrobiotic food, que serve comida macrobiótica
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