West Bank
<map lat='31.94' lng='35.25' zoom='9' view='0' float='right' height='550'/> The West Bank was partitioned between Israel and the Palestinian Authority (which governs the Palestinian Autonomy) by a joined agreement in 1994 (Oslo II accords). Hitchhiking in the West Bank (Palestinian territories) is a game of chance, but still very common. Some people, especially Jewish settlers, tend to carry guns. Hitchhiking is popular especially among the settler's youth, although there were cases they were targeted by militants while hitchhiking.
You can see Israeli number plates and Palestinian number plates.
There are 3 zones:
- Zone A: controlled by the Palestinian Authority, Jewish Israelis are not allowed to go in here, it can be dangerous to speak Hebrew here. You can see Israeli number plates as many Palestinians with Israeli passports live here.
- Zone B: accessible to everyone
- Zone C: not accessible to Palestinians without Israeli passports, on Zone C roads only cars with Israeli number plates are allowed.
Israeli human rights organization B'Tselem has a useful interactive map to better understand the geography of apartheid and occupation.
Some roads, like road 443 is a zone C road. This road specifically can be good to hitchhike to Tel Aviv or Jerusalem, but be aware of the apartheid. Zone C roads cut the Palestinian territories in small bantustan areas that make their life miserable, and where Palestinians have varying statuses. (There are also Palestinians with Jerusalem residency status.)
Among the Palestinians, hitchhiking is not common at all − yet that does not mean it's difficult to get rides. For short distances especially, you are likely to encounter their hospitality and get a ride quite quickly. Notice that while they will wait in Israeli checkpoints, you will most likely have to wait with them.
For long distance either take a bus or service taxi (It is not too expensive) - or, hitchhiking, try Zone C settler roads. If you have just a visa for the West Bank it will be hard to get on some of them sometimes, but just to get from North to South you can take the road No. 90 in the Jordan Valley. This road is shared from Israelis and Palestinians and the most of the Israelis will stop for you if you are waiting at a junction. Settlers are very good in giving a ride. Just try to avoid talking too much about your travels in Palestine territories.
Vulla In the West Bank is really common to Hitchhike and super easy. In the Trempiyada you will always find many young Jewish people even 8 at the same time( that's what i ve found on the 60 road), but don't worry you will always manage to find a ride. On the trempyada you will find soldiers to protect the Jewish people, in recent time there were differents attacks by Palestinian against Jewish, but very often Jewish people attack the Palestinians (especially since Oct 7th 2023), when i HHed there, there was no problem but always pay attention. You can arrive at your destination HH from settlment to settlement or if you are lucky you can even find a direct ride. Don't be scared if you see some settlers HH with a machine gun. They are soldier and they are allowed to carry guns. Travelling around you will understand many things about the complex situation.(January 2015)
The Jewish parts of the west bank have very developed hitch-hiking culture, probably more than anywhere else in Israel. you will see line of people waiting in the Trempiada, and you should respect the que.. you better sometime stay inside the settelment instead of outside becouse the settlers will prefer to stop there. There are Trempiadas that goes straight to the settelment from Jerusalem neighbourhoods- If you want to go to Gush Ezyon and Hebron, take a local bus to Gilo neighbourhood, get down at Afarsemon st. walk to the big junction in the left, a big Trempiada. If you want to go to Nablus and Binyamin district (Rammalla area) take the Tram\ bus to Pisgat Zeev and go to Hizma Junction. even though- the bus is extremly cheap, so check it out. If you want to go to Dead sea and Jericho- take the tram to Amunition Hill, and there is trempiada at your right side. just be aware that jews can't go to the arab cities (except Hebron) and arabs can't go inside the jewish settelments. 60 road it's the road that cross the area from Hebron to Hadera (and Jerusalem in the middle). That why, if you want to travel north, you can hitch-hike from Samaria area through Tapuach junction to the Jordan Valley or to the enternaace of 6 road (Kesem junction) in Kesem there is perfect Trempiyada to the north. You can also hitch hike from Samaria to Israel center- Tel-Aviv area, airport..just wait a little.
Cities, places
Entering from Jordan
The border crossing procedure can be time consuming. guaka ended up in the West Bank when it was already dark. You're not allowed to walk away from the border crossing (which is also a military base) so you are left to the taxi leeches. They try to charge 30 shekels (2008) for a very short ride. There is also a shared taxi service all the way to Jerusalem for the same price.
Crossing the Green Line to and from Israel
There are many roads with checkpoints from Israel to Palestinian territories. While it's usually no problem getting into the West Bank (eg Palestinian workers aren't checked on that way out of Israel every evening, but only when going back to work the following morning), leaving the West Bank can be problematic, though not something to worry about (with an Western passport).
The best is to get a ride on a Israeli road which have special settler checkpoints. The reality is that you won't get checked if they don't suspect you to be Palestinian. If you don't want to or you can't go with Israelis/settlers you need to find a checkpoint where it is allowed to cross by foot. These checkpoints will typically have turnstiles etc, and the soldiers will check everything belonging to you and rattle off questions about what you were doing in the West Bank. Just say that you just visited some religious sights because of you believe, and that you kept to yourself. If the opportunity arises simply let them know that your time in the West Bank is simply part of a larger trip around Israel. Never tell them too much about your contacts with Palestinians. It is a pity, but what can we do?
Note that some checkpoints don't permit foot-crossing on certain days such as Shabbat or public holidays. One such crossing is the Jalamah crossing (Jenin-Afula). There are PA Authority security on the approach to this checkpoint and they might be willing to wave down a passing car who might take you across the border into Israel. I cannot comment on the situation if travelling from the Israeli side.