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United States of America

1 byte added, 17:24, 14 January 2010
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''' Eat: '''
Look, if you are friendly, at least in my experience in the US (I have never been elsewhere) people will offer to buy you food at restaurants ALL THE TIME. Aditionally, they will just throw you some bucks to eat to. From change to $100. $100 dollars has happened to me twice. $60 dollars has happened to me several times and I have been given so many twenties... The key is the right type of answer when they ask, concernedly, what do you do to eat- "Naw, we're pretty much all right, we got *some* money." (Sad and scrappy slight but pointed emphasis on the "some")- if they've asked this question and you answer this way you'll basically always get a friendly handout- *for which you should thank them profusely*, of course. :)
Once you open your mind to it, there are actually many opportunities for dumpster diving in urban areas. Port cities are especially good. Note, however that dumpster diving is in a similar sort of gray area as hitchhiking, with local legality depending on the particular state's laws, and the prevalent attitudes of local law enforcement officers.

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