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Flag of Germany
Coat of arms of Hesse.png
Population: 196.000 (2010)
Licence plate: KS
Major roads: A 7, A 44, A 49
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Kassel is a city in the German federal state Hesse.

Hitching Out

North towards (Göttingen, Hannover), A 7

Take the bus 32 to the stop Dahlheimer Weg. The street leads direct to the motorway and has a bus bay. A sign is absolutely necessary, signs with other placenames lead to a very long waiting time. The first service station is Göttingen Ost, the ramp of Göttingen is also good for hitchhiking.

East towards (Halle (Saale), Leipzig), A 38

Not tested yet: also from the bus stop Dahlheimer Weg. The first service station at the A 38 is Rohnetal Süd between Sangerhausen and Eisleben. For Halle (Saale) there is no direct exit on the A38. For Leipzig it is best to leave the Autobahn at the junction Leipzig-Südwest.

East towards (Eisenach, Erfurt, Eschwege), B7, A 4

Take the trams 4 or 8 to the stop Am Kupferhammer and then follow the main street. Behind the next traffic lights is a good place, a sign is helpful. There are rarely intermediate stops possible on this road, only at Hessisch Lichtenau

If you want to go onto the A 4 and you don't get a ride further then Eisenach, ask your driver not to take the Bundesstraße B7 but the B400 via Wommen, so you can reach the service station Eisenach Nord. If you get a lift only to Oetmannshausen, you have to walk the Bundesstraße to the south for 1,5 kilometers to the next bus stop, where there is another good place to hitchhike.

South towards (Frankfurt am Main, Fulda), A 7

Take the trams 5 or 6 or the buses 25 or 27 to the stop Auestadion. You will see the street to the motorway, follow it for 400 meters on the right, there is a bus stop with a bay. A sign is absolutely necessary (F for Frankfurt or FD for Fulda). The first service station on the A 7 is Hasselberg West.(this is a good place for cars to stop but be warned i waited in this spot for two hours before getting a ride)

South towards (Marburg), A 49

Same as above. Behind Baunatal on the A 49 there is a petrol station, but it is not good for hitchhiking. Better you take only cars which go until the exit Bad Zwesten, there does the Bundesstraße 3 begin. At Auestadion a sign is absolutely necessary (MR).

West towards (Dortmund, Paderborn, Bielefeld), A 44

Take one of the buses 51, 52, 53 or 55 to the stop Birkenkopf and follow the street until the traffic lights. There on the onramp is a good place. An ideal place for going west. But also for other directions this place is good, because from some parts of the city it is easier to catch the motorway here. The first petrol station on the A 44, Bühleck Nord, is bad for hitchhiking, take the next one, Am Biggenkopf Nord. If you want to go more far than Dortmund it is much better to take a sign DO and go to the service station Am Haarstrang Nord and change the sign there.

Service stations Kassel

The service stations of Kassel are reachable by the bus 38. Take the bus until the stop Bergshausen, Neckarweg. From there go the street along for one kilometer. Behind the motorway on the right is the service station Kassel Ost, which is Good.png (good) for hitchhiking, but it is only possible to ask the drivers at the petrol station, but beneath the A 7 you also can get lifts for the A 38. A resthouse also exists, but there it is Senseless.png (senseless). The service station Kassel West has been closed and there doesn't exist a possibility to hitchhike to the south (Senseless.png (senseless))!

Public Transport

Single tickets cost in Kassel City 2,60 € and for Bergshausen in the ticket zone Kassel plus 3,40 € (as of 2013). It is not possible to enter a bus without a ticket and in the trams ticket controls are frequently.

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