Eastern Europe phrasebook

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This Eastern Europe phrasebook for hitchhikers is a work in progress.

Eastern Europe

Russian is probably the most important language to learn. Many older people speak or at least understand Russian, especially when their mother tongue is a Slavic language. The second most important language is probably Polish, since it is widely understood in Czech Republic, Slovakia, Lithuania and Ukraine.


In this transcription, e is usually pronounced rather like ye.

  1. Hello = Здравствуйте (Привет) - Zdrastvuyte( more formal)/ Привет- Privet (more informal)
  2. Excuse me.. = Извините (Прошу прощения) - Izvinite / Proshoo(u:) proscheniya
  3. Do you possibly drive in the direction of ...? = Вы случайно не едете в сторону ...?- Vi edete v napravlenii …?
  4. Could I get a lift to...? = Вы можете меня подвезти к ...? - Vi mozhete menya podvezti k …?
  5. - a petrol station / a service area / a parking place? / along the motorway = заправке / сервисной зоне / парковке? - benzopravke/ rayonu(u:) obsluzhivaniya/ parkovke/ pau(o:) doroge
  6. Is the lift free? / I can't pay. = Это бесплатно? / У меня нет денег. - Yeto besplatno?/ U(u:) menya net deneg
  7. Do you speak ...? / any other languages / Could you speak slower, please? = Вы говорите на ...? / других языках? / Говорите, пожалуйста, помедленнее. - Vi govorite na…?/ drugih yazikah?Govorite, pozhal(oo(u:))ysta, nomedlennee.
  8. yes / no / maybe / no thanks / = Да / Нет / Может быть / Нет, спасибо - da/ net/ vozmozhno/ net, spasibo
  9. That’s great / perfect / bad / no problem = Хорошо / Отлично / Плохо / Нет проблем - Yeto velikolepno/ otlichno/ ploho/ net problem
  10. I don't understand. / I don't know. = Я не понимаю. / Я не знаю. - Ya ne ponimayu/ Ya ne znayu
  11. I'm going to ... / Where are you going to? = Мне нужно в ... (Я еду в ...) / Куда вы едете? - Mne nuzhno v … /( Ya edu(u:) v…)/ Ku(u:)da vi edete?
  12. My name is... / What's your name? / I’m from... / Where are you from? = Меня зовут ... / Как вас зовут? / Я из ... / Откуда вы? - Menya zovut …/ Kak vas zovut?/ Ya iz.../Otku(u:)da vi?
  13. I’m ... years old. / How old are you? = Мне ... лет. / Сколько вам лет?- Mne … let./ Skol’ko vam let?
  14. I study.... / My subjects are... / I’m in my ... year. / I will become a .... = Я изучаю ... / Я изучаю ... / Я на ... курсе. - Ya izuchayu… / Ya izuchayu…/ Yan a … kurse.
  15. I have a boy-friend/a girl-friend. / I'm married. = У меня есть парень/девушка. / Я [male]женат, [female]замужем.- U(u:) menya est’ paren’/devushka. Ya(male) zhenat, Ya(female) zamuzhem.
  16. I’m on holiday. / I visit friends in... / I'm hitchhiking around... = У меня каникулы / Я еду в гости к друзьям в ... / Я путешествую автостопом. - U(u:) menya kaniku(u:)/ Ya edu v gosti k druz’yam v …/ Ya pu(u:)teshestvuyu avtostopom.
  17. I will stay for... / I’m going back... = Я проведу там ... / Я возвращаюсь ...- Ya provedu tam …/ Ya vozvraschayus’…
  18. Don’t touch me! / Let me out! / Stop! / Help! = Не трогай меня! / Пусти! / Стой! (Останови!) / Помогите!-Ne troga(Λ)y menya!/ P(oo(u:))sti!/ Stoy!(Ostanovi)/Pomoghite!
  19. Can you drop me off here? = Вы можете меня здесь высадить? - Vi mozhete menya zdes’ vysadit’?
  20. Thank you! / Have a nice day/trip! = Спасибо! / Хорошей дороги! - Spasibo!/ Horoshey dorogi!
  21. Where can I find ...? = Как мне найти ...? (or just Где ...?) - Kak mne na(Λ)yti…? ( Gde?)
  22. - the city centre / a map = центр города / карту - tsentr goroda/ kartu(u:)
  23. - a toilet / a supermarket / a pharmacy / a campsite = туалет / супермаркет / аптека / место для палатки - tu(u:)a(Λ)let/supermarket/apteka/ mesto dlya palatki
  24. - an internetcafe / a cashmachine / a bank = интернет-кафе / банкомат / банк - internet-ka(Λ)fe/ ba(Λ)nkomat/ ba(Λ)nk
  25. - a metrostation / a busstation / a trainstation = станция метро / автостанция / вокзал - sta(Λ)ntsiya metro/ a(Λ)vtosta(Λ)ntsiya/ vokza(Λ)l
  26. - the motorway to ... / a good hitchhikingspot = трасса в сторону ... / хорошее место для автостопа - tra(Λ)ssa v storonu(u:)…/ horoshee mesto dlya a(Λ)vtostopa
  27. water / (herbal) tea / hot chocolate / coffee = вода / (травяной) чай / горячий шоколад / кофе - voda(Λ)/ cha(Λ)y/ goryachiy shokola(Λ)d/kofe
  28. beer / (red, white) wine / juice = пиво / (красное, белое) вино / сок - pivo/(kra(Λ)snoe, beloe) vino/ sok
  29. vegetarian / diner / bread / a cheap restaurant = вегетарианец / столовая / хлеб / дешевый ресторан - vegetarianets/stolovaya/ hleb/ deshoviy restoran
  30. Cheers! / Enjoy your meal! = На здоровье! / Приятного аппетита! - Na zdorovie ! Priyatnogo appetita!
  31. I’m hungry / thirsty / fine / cold / hot / sick = Я голодный / Я хочу пить / Я в порядке / Мне холодно / Мне жарко / Мне плохо - Ya golodniy/ Ya hochu pit’ / Ya v poryadke/ Mne holodno/Mne zharko/ Mne ploho
  32. north / east / south / west = север / восток / юг / запад - sever/vostok/yug/zapad
  33. yesterday / today / tomorrow = вчера / сегодня / завтра - vchera/ segodnya/ zavtra
  34. zero / one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten = ноль / один / два / три / четыре / пять / шесть / семь / восемь / девять / десять - nol’/odin/dva/tri/chetire/pyat’/shest’/sem’/ vosem’/ devyat’/ desyat’/
  35. eleven / twelve / thirteen / fourteen / fifteen / sixteen / seventeen / eighteen / nineteen / twenty = одиннадцать / двенадцать / тринадцать / четырнадцать / пятнадцать / шестнадцать / семнадцать / восемнадцать / девятнадцать / двадцать - odinadtsat’/dvenadtsat’/trinadtsat’/chetirnadtsat’/ petnadtsat’/ shestnadtsat’/semnadtsat’/vosemnadtsat’/devetnadtsat’/ dvadtsat’
  36. twenty-one / thirty = двадцать один / тридцать - dvadtsat’ odin/ tridtsat’
  37. hour / day / week / month / kilometre = час / день / неделя / месяц / километр - chas/ den’/ nedelya/ mesyats/ kilometr
  38. left / right / straight on / before/ after = налево / направо / прямо / перед / после - nalevo/ napravo/ pryamo/ pered/ posle
  39. this / next / last / = этот / следующий / последний - Yetot/sledu(u:)yuschiy/ posledniy
  40. often / seldom / never / long / short = часто / редко / никогда / далеко / близко - chasto/redko/nikogda/ daleko/ blizko
  41. up / down / over / under = вверх / вниз / над / под - vverh/ vniz/ nad/ pod
  42. How far is it (on foot)? / Where are we? = Это далеко (пешком)? / Где мы? - Yeto daleko(peshkom)? / Gde mi?
  43. How much does it cost? / What time is it? = Сколько это стоит? / Который час? - Skol’ko yeto stoit/ Kotoriy chas?
  44. We are looking for a place to sleep. = Мы ищем где можно переночевать. - Mi ischem gde mozhno perenochevat’.
  45. Where can we buy a ticket? = Где купить билет? - Gde kupit’ bilet?
  46. Who? / What? / Where? / Why? / When? = Кто? / Что? / Где? / Почему? / Когда? - Kto?/ Chto?/ Gde?/ Pochemu(u:)?/ Kogda?
  47. How? / How much? / How long? / Which? = Как? / Сколько? / Как долго? / Какой? - Kak?/ Skol’ko?/ Kak dolgo?/ Kakoy?


It is polite to speak to an unknown person (specially older than you) using the forms "pan" (mister) for men and "pani" (mrs) for women.

  1. Hello - Cześć (informal) / Dzień dobry (good morning, good afternoon) / Dobry wieczór (good evening)
  2. Excuse me... - Przepraszam...
  3. Do you possibly drive in the direction of ...? - Czy jedzie pan/pani w kierunku ...?
  4. Could I get a lift to...? Czy podwiezie mnie pan/pani do...?
  5. a gas station - stacja benzynowa
  6. Is the lift free? / I can't pay. Czy jedziemy za darmo? / Nie mogę zapłacić.
  7. Do you speak ... (Russian, English, German, French)? / any other languages / Could you speak slower, please? - Czy mowi pan/pani po ... (rosyjsku, angielsku, niemiecku, francusku)? / w jakimś obcym języku / Czy może pan/pani mówić wolniej?
  8. yes / no / maybe / no thanks - tak / nie / może / nie, dziękuję
  9. That’s great / perfect / bad / no problem - to bardzo dobrze / świetnie / źle / to nie jest problem
  10. I don't understand. / I don't know. - Nie rozumiem / Nie wiem
  11. I'm going to ... / Where are you going to? Jadę do... / Dokąd pan/pani jedzie?
  12. My name is... / What's your name? / I’m from... / Where are you from? - Nazywam się... / Jak się pan/pani nazywa? / Jestem z ... / Skąd pan/pani pochodzi?
  13. I’m ... years old. / How old are you? - Mam ... lat / Ile masz lat? (informal) / Ile pan/pani ma lat? (formal)
  14. I study.... / My subjects are... / I’m in my ... year. / I will become a .... - Studiuję... / Moje przedmioty to... / Jestem na ... roku / Zostanę ...
  15. I have a boyfriend/a girl-friend. / I'm married. - Mam chłopaka/dziewczynę. / Jestem żonaty/zamężna.
  16. I’m on holiday. / I'm visiting friends in... / I'm hitchhiking around... - Jestem na wakacjach. / Odwiedzam przyjaciół w ... / Jeżdżę autostopem w ...
  17. I will stay for... / I’m going back... Zostanę przez ... / Wracam ...
  18. Don’t touch me! / Let me out! / Stop! / Help! - Nie dotykaj mnie! / Wypuść mnie! / Przestań! / Pomocy!
  19. Can you drop me off here? - Czy może mnie pan/pani wysadzić tutaj?
  20. Thank you! / Have a nice day/trip! - Dziękuję! / Dobrego dnia/Dobrej podróży!
  21. Where can I find ...? - Gdzie moge znaleźć...?
  22. - the city centre / a map - centrum miasta / mapę
  23. - a toilet / a supermarket / a pharmacy / a campsite - toaletę / supermarket / aptekę / kemping
  24. - an internet cafe / a cash machine / a bank - kawiarenkę internetową / bankomat / bank
  25. - a metro station / a bus station / a train station - stacja metra / przystanek autobusowy / stacja kolejowa
  26. - the motorway to ... / a good hitchhiking spot - autostrada do... / dobre miejsce do łapania stopa
  27. water / (herbal) tea / hot chocolate / coffee - woda / herbata / gorąca czekolada / kawa
  28. beer / (red, white) wine / juice - piwo / (czerwone, białe) wino / sok
  29. vegetarian / diner / bread / a cheap restaurant - wegetarianin / obiad / chleb / tania restauracja
  30. Cheers! / Enjoy your meal! - Na zdrowie! / Smacznego!
  31. I’m hungry / I'm thirsty / I'm fine / I'm cold / I'm hot / I'm sick - Jestem głodny / Chce mi się pić / Wszystko w porządku / Zimno mi / Gorąco mi / Jestem chory
  32. north / east / south / west - północ / wschód / południe / zachód
  33. yesterday / today / tomorrow - wczoraj / dzisiaj / jutro
  34. zero / one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten - zero / jeden / dwa / trzy / cztery / pięć / sześć / siedem / osiem / dziewięć /dziesięć
  35. eleven / twelve / thirteen / fourteen / fifteen / sixteen / seventeen / eighteen / nineteen / twenty - jedenaście / dwanaście / trzynaście / czternaście / piętnaście / szesnaście / siedemnaście / osiemnaście / dziewiętnaście / dwadzieścia
  36. twenty-one / thirty - dwadzieścia jeden / trzydzieści
  37. hour / day / week / month / kilometre - godzina / dzień / tydzień / miesiąc / kilometr
  38. left / right / straight on / before / after - lewo / prawo / prosto / przed / za
  39. this / next / last - ten(m.)/ta(f.) / następny(m.)/następna(f.) / ostatni(m.)/ostatnia(f.)
  40. often / seldom / never / long / short - często / rzadko / nigdy / długo / krótko
  41. up / down / over / under - dół / góra / nad / pod
  42. How far is it (on foot)? / Where are we? - Jak daleko (pieszo)? / Gdzie jesteśmy?
  43. How much does it cost? / What time is it? - Ile to kosztuje? / Która godzina?
  44. We are looking for a place to sleep. - Szukamy miejsca do spania.
  45. Where can we buy a ticket? - Gdzie możemy kupić bilet?
  46. Who? / What? / Where? / Why? / When? - Kto? / Co? / Gdzie? / Dlaczego? / Kiedy?
  47. How? / How much? / How long? / Which? - Jak? / Ile? / Jak długo? / Który(m.)?/Która(f.)


Czech is an incredibly difficult language to learn, but learn these few phrases and you will get around the country a lot more easily, especially outside cities.

Even names of towns can be pronounced incorrectly very easily. Consider the name of the town Olomouc, which is pronounced ollo-moats. For more information about pronouncing see the Czech phrasebook on Wikivoyage.

I don't speak Czech - Nemluvím Český [naym-loo-veem ches-kee]

Do you speak English? - Mluvíte Anglicky? [mloo-vee-teh an-glits-kee]

Hello (formal) – Dobrý den [dob-ree den]

Hello (informal) – Ahoj! [a-hoy]

Help! – Pomoc! [poh-moats]

I understand - Rozumím [roz-oo-meem]

I don’t understand – Nerozumím [nay-roz-oo-meem]

It’s also worth remembering that in Czech the emphasis is nearly always on the first syllable of a word, and hardly ever on its second or third syllable.

Numbers one - jeden / jedna / jedno two - dva / dvě three - tři four - čtyři five - pět six - šest seven - sedm - pronounced "sedum" eight - osm - pronounced "osum" nine - devět ten - deset eleven - jedenáct twelve - dvanáct thirteen - třináct fourteen - čtrnáct fifteen - patnáct sixteen - šestnáct seventeen - sedmnáct - pronounced "sedumnáct" eighteen - osmnáct - pronounced "osumnáct" nineteen - devatenáct twenty - dvacet twenty one - dvacet jedna twenty two - dvacet dva twenty three - dvacet tři thirty - třicet forty - čtyřicet fifty - padesát sixty - šedesát seventy - sedmdesát - pronounced "sedumdesát" eighty - osmdesát - pronounced "osumdesát" ninety - devadesát one hundred - sto two hundred - dvě stě three hundred - tři sta four hundred - čtyři sta five hundred - pět set

  1. Hello - Ahoj (informal) / Dobrý rano (good morning) / dobrý večer (good evening)
  2. Excuse me... - promiňte
  3. Do you possibly drive in the direction of Prague? - Jedete směrem do Prahy?
  4. Could I get a lift to ...? Můžete mne vzít ...
  5. - a gasstation / a parking place? / along the motorway - k benzínce / na parkoviště / k dálnici
  6. Can you lift me to … for free? / I can't pay. Můžete mne vzít zdarma do … ? Nemohu to zaplatit.
  7. Do you speak a foreign language? / Could you speak slower, please? - mluvíte nějakou cizí řečí? / Můžete prosím mluvit pomaleji.
  8. yes / no / maybe / no thanks - ano / ne / možná / ne děkuji
  9. That’s great / perfect / bad / no problem - to je vynikající / perfektní / špatný / to není problém
  10. I don't understand. / I don't know. - nerozumím / nevím
  11. I'm going to ... / Where are you going to? Ja jedu do... / Kam jedete?
  12. My name is... / What's your name? / I’m from... / Where are you from? Jmenuji se … / Jak se jmenujete? / Jsem z … / Odkud jste?
  13. I’m ... years old. / How old are you? - Je mi ... let/ Kolik je vám (formal) ti (informal)?
  14. I study.... / My subjects are... / I’m in my ... year. / I will become a .... Studuji ... / Má tyto předměty ... / Jsem v ... ročníku / Až vystuduji, budu ...
  15. I have a boy-friend/a girl-friend. / I'm married. - Mám přítele/přítelkyni. / Jsem ženatý (men). Jsem vdaná (women)
  16. I’m on holiday. / I visit friends in... / I'm hitchhiking around... - Mám prázdniny. / Chci navštivit kamarády v ... / Jen tak stopuji ...
  17. I will stay for... / I’m going back... - Zůstanu ... dní (days) / Jedu zpátky
  18. Don’t touch me! / Let me out! / Stop! / Help! - Nešahejte na mne! / Pusťte mě ven! / Zastavte! / Pomóc!
  19. Can you drop me off here? Můžete mi zastavit tady?
  20. Thank you! / Have a nice day! - Děkuji! / Pěkný den!
  21. Where can I find ...? - Kde mohu najít ...?
  22. - the city centre / a map - cetrum města / mapa
  23. - a toilet / a supermarket / a pharmacy / a campsite - záchod / obchod / lékárna / kempink
  24. - an internetcafe / a cashmachine / a bank - internetová kavárna / bankomat / banka
  25. - a metrostation / a busstation / a trainstation - zastávka metra / autobusová zastávka / vlakové nádraží
  26. - the motorway to ... / a good hitchhikingspot - dálnice do ... / dobré místo na stopování
  27. water / tea / hot chocolate / coffee - voda / čaj / horká čokoláda / káva
  28. beer / (red, white) wine / juice - piwo / (červené, bílé) víno / džus
  29. vegetarian / diner / bread / a cheap restaurant - vegetarián / ? / chléb / levná restaurace/hospoda
  30. Cheers! / Enjoy your meal! - Na zdraví! / Dobrou chuť!
  31. I’m hungry / thirsty / fine / cold / hot / sick - Mám hlad / žízeň. / Nic nepotřebuji / Je mi zima / teplo. / Jsem nemocný
  32. north / east / south / west - sever / východ / jih / západ
  33. yesterday / today / tomorrow - včera / dnes / zítra
  34. zero / one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten - nula / jeden / dva / tři / čtyři / pět / šest / sedum / osum / devět /deset
  35. eleven / twelve / thirteen / fourteen / fifteen / sixteen / seventeen / eighteen / nineteen / twenty - jedenáct / dvanáct / třináct / čtrnáct /patnáct/ šestnáct / sedmumnáct / osumnáct / devatenáct / dvacet
  36. twenty-one / thirty - dvacet jedna / třicet
  37. hour / day / week / month / kilometre - hodina / den / týden / měsíc / kilometr
  38. left / right / straight on / before / after - vlevo / vpravo / rovno / před
  39. this / next / last - to / další / poslední
  40. often / seldom / never / long / short
  41. up / down / over / under - nahoru /dolu/přes/ pod
  42. How far is it (on foot)? / Where are we? - Jak daleko je to(pěšky)? / Kde jsme?
  43. How much does it cost? / What time is it? - Kolik to stojí? / kolik je hodin?
  44. We are looking for a place to sleep. - Hledáme místo, kde bychom mohli strávit noc.
  45. Where can we buy a ticket? - Kde si mohu koupit lístek?
  46. Who? / What? / Where? / Why? / When? - Kdo? / Co? / Kde? / Proč? / Kdy?
  47. How? / How much? / How long? / Which? - Jak? / kolik? / Jak dłuoho? / Který(m.)? / Která(f.)


(to be filled, but similar to czech)


  1. Hello - Sveiki
  2. Excuse me.. - Atvainojos
  3. Do you possibly drive in the direction of ...? - Vai jūs braucat uz ...?
  4. Could I get a lift...? - Vai varat mani aizvest ...?
    1. to a gas station - līdz bendzīntankam
    2. to a parking place? - līdz stāvvietai
    3. along the motorway - gar ceļu
  5. Is the lift free? / I (we) can't pay - Vai brauciens būs bez maksas? / Es (mēs) nevarēsim samaksāt.
  6. Do you speak ...? / any other languages / Could you speak slower, please? - Vai jūs runājat ...? / kādās citās valodās / Varētu, lūdzu, lēnāk?
  7. yes / no / maybe / no thanks - jā / nē / varbūt / nē, paldies
  8. That’s great / perfect / bad / no problem - Lieliski / perfekti / slikti / nav problēmu
  9. I don't understand. / I don't know - Es nesaprotu. / Es nezinu.
  10. I'm going to ... / Where are you going to? - Es dodos uz ... / Uz kurieni jūs dodaties?
  11. My name is... / What's your name? / I’m from... / Where are you from? - Mani sauc ... / Kā jūs sauc? / Es esmu no ... / No kurienes jūs esat?
  12. I’m ... years old. / How old are you? - Esmu ... gadus vecs. / Cik jums gadu?
  13. I study.... / My subjects are... / I’m in my ... year. / I will become a .... - Es studēju .... / Mani priekšmeti ir ... / Esmu ... studiju gadā. / Es būšu ...
  14. I have a boy-friend/a girl-friend. / I'm married. - Man ir draugs/draudzene. / Esmu precējies.
  15. I’m on holiday. / I visit friends in... / I'm hitchhiking around... - Esmu brīvdienās. / Ciemošos pie draugiem ... / Es stopēju pa ...
  16. I will stay for... / I’m going back... - Es palikšu ... / Es dodos atpakaļ uz ...
  17. Don’t touch me! / Let me out! / Stop! / Help! - Neaiztiec mani! / Laid mani ārā! / Stop! / Palīgā!
  18. Can you drop me off here? - Vai variet mani te izlaist?
  19. Thank you! / Have a nice day! / Have a nice trip! - Paldies! / Jauku dienu! / Laimīgu ceļu!
  20. Where can I find ...? - Kur var atrast ...?
    1. the city center - pilsētas centru
    2. a (city) map - pilsētas karti
    3. a toilet - tualeti
    4. a supermarket - lielveikalu
    5. a pharmacy - aptieku
    6. a campsite - kempingu
    7. an internetcafe - interneta kafejnīcu
    8. a cashmachine - bankomātu
    9. a bank - banku
    10. a metrostation - metro
    11. a busstation - autoostu
    12. a trainstation - dzelzceļa staciju
    13. the motorway to ... - ceļu uz...
      1. a good hitchhiking spot - labu vietu, kur stopēt
    14. water - ūdens
    15. (herbal/green/black) tea - (augļu/zaļā/melnā) tēja
    16. hot chocolate - karstā šokolāde
    17. coffee / good coffee place - kafija / labu kafijas vietu
    18. beer - alus
    19. (red, white) wine - (sarkanais, baltais) vīns
    20. juice - sulu
    21. vegetarian (vegan) food / restaurant - veģetāriešu (vegānu) pārtika / kafejnīca
    22. bread - maize
    23. a cheap restaurant - lēts restorāns
  21. Cheers! -Priekā!
  22. Enjoy your meal! -Labu apetīti!
  23. I’m fine -Man viss kārtībā
  24. I’m... - Esmu...
    1. hungry - izsalcis
    2. thirsty - izslāpis
    3. cold - saaukstējies
    4. sweaty - sasvīdis
    5. sick - slims
  25. north / east / south / west - ziemeļi / austrumi / dienvidi / rietumi
  26. yesterday / today / tomorrow - vakar / šodien / rīt
  27. Numbers: nulle 0 / viens 1 / divi 2 / trīs 3 / četri 4 / pieci 5 / seši 6 / septiņi 7 / astoņi 8 / deviņi 9 / desimt 10 / vienpadsmit 11 / divpadsmit 12 / trīspadsmit 13 / četrpadsmit 14 / piecpadsmit 15 / sešpadsmit 16 / septiņpadsmit 17 / astoņpadsmit 18 / deviņpadsmit 19 / divdesmit 20 / divdesmit viens 21 / trīsdesmit 30 / simts 100 / tūkstotis 1'000
  28. hour / day / week / month / kilometre - stunda / diena / nedēļa / mēnesis / kilometrs
  29. left / right / straight on / before/ after this / next / last - pa kreisi / pa labi / uz priekšu / pirms / pēc šī / nākamajā / pēdējā
  30. often / seldom / never / long / short - bieži / reti / nekad / ilgi / ātri
  31. up / down / over / under - augšā / lejā / pāri / zem
  32. How far is it (on foot)? / Where are we? - Cik tālu tas ir (ejot ar kājām) / Kur mēs esam?
  33. How much does it cost? / What time is it? - Cik tas maksā? / Cik ir pulkstens?
  34. We are looking for a place to sleep. - Mēs meklējam vietu, kur gulēt.
  35. Where can we buy a ticket? - Kur mēs varam nopirkt biļeti?
  36. Who? / What? / Where? / Why? / When? - Kas? / Kas? / Kur? / Kādēļ? / Kad?
  37. How? / How much? / How long? / Which? - Kā? / Cik? / Cik ilgi? / Kurš?


  1. Hello - Labas
  2. Excuse me.. - Atsiprašau ..
  3. Do you possibly drive in the direction of ...? - Gal jūs vairuojate link ...?
  4. Could I get a lift...? - Ar galėtumėte pavežti ...?
    1. to a gas station - iki degalinės
    2. to a parking place? - iki automobilių stovimo aikštelės
    3. along the motorway - palei autostradą
  5. Is the lift free? / I (we) can't pay - Ar pavežtumėte nemokamai? / Aš (mes) negaliu (negalime) mokėti.
  6. Do you speak ...? / any other languages / Could you speak slower, please? - Ar jūs kalbate ...? / kokią nors kitą kalbą / Atsiprašau, ar galėtumete kalbėti lėčiau?
  7. yes / no / maybe / no thanks - taip / ne / gal / ne, ačiū
  8. That’s great / perfect / bad / no problem - Puiku / Gerai / Blogai / Jokių problemų
  9. I don't understand. / I don't know - Aš nesuprantu. / Nežinau.
  10. I'm going to ... / Where are you going to? - Aš keliauju į ... / Kur keliaujate jūs?
  11. My name is... / What's your name? / I’m from... / Where are you from? - Mano vardas yra ... / Koks jūsų vardas? / Esu iš ... / Iš kur esate jūs?
  12. I’m ... years old. / How old are you? - Esu ... metų amžiaus. / Kiek jums metų?
  13. I study.... / My subjects are... / I’m in my ... year. / I will become a .... - Aš studijuoju .... / Mano dalykai yra ... / Tai mano ... studijų metai. / Aš busiu .... pagal profesiją.
  14. I have a boy-friend/a girl-friend. / I'm married. - Aš turiu vaikiną/merginą. / Esu vedęs (woman should say Esu ištekėjusi )
  15. I’m on holiday. / I visit friends in... / I'm hitchhiking around... - Aš esu atostogose. / Lankau draugus ... / Keliauju autostopu aplink ...
  16. I will stay for... / I’m going back... - Aš busiu čia ... / Važiuosiu atgal ...
  17. Don’t touch me! / Let me out! / Stop! / Help! - Neliesk manęs! / Išleisk mane! / Sustok! / Padėkit! (hope you never have to say that)
  18. Can you drop me off here? - Ar galite išleisti mane čia?
  19. Thank you! / Have a nice day! / Have a nice trip! - Ačiū! / Geros dienos! / Laimingos kelionės!
  20. Where can I find ...? - Kur galėčiau rasti ...?
    1. the city center - miesto centrą
    2. a (city) map - (miesto) žemėlapį
    3. a toilet - tualetą
    4. a supermarket - supermarketą
    5. a pharmacy - vaistinę
    6. a campsite - stovyklavietę
    7. an internetcafe - interneto kavinę
    8. a cashmachine - bankomatą
    9. a bank - banką
    10. a metrostation - metro
    11. a busstation - autobusų stotį
    12. a trainstation - traukinių stotį
    13. the motorway to ... - automagistralę link...
      1. a good hitchhiking spot - gerą vietą autostopui
    14. water - vandens
    15. (herbal/green/black) tea - (žolelių/žalios/juodos) arbatos
    16. hot chocolate - karštą šokoladą
    17. coffee / good coffee place - kavos / geros kavinės
    18. beer - alaus
    19. (red, white) wine - (raudono, baltojo) vyno
    20. juice - sulčių
    21. vegetarian (vegan) food / restaurant - vegetariško (veganiško) maisto / kavinę
    22. bread - duonos
    23. a cheap restaurant - pigų restoraną
  21. Cheers! - Į sveikatą!
  22. Enjoy your meal! - Skanaus!
  23. I’m fine - Laikausi puikiai
  24. I’m... - Esu...
    1. hungry - alkanas
    2. thirsty - ištroškęs
    3. cold - sušalęs
    4. sweaty - suprakaitavęs
    5. sick - susirgęs
  25. north / east / south / west - į šiaurę / į rytus / į pietus / į vakarus
  26. yesterday / today / tomorrow - vakar / šiandien / rytoj
  27. Numbers: nulis 0 / vienas 1 / du 2 / tris 3 / keturi 4 / penki 5 / šeši 6 / septyni 7 / aštuoni 8 / devyni 9 / dešimt 10 / vienuolika 11 / dvylika 12 / trylika 13 / keturiolika 14 / penkiolika 15 / šešiolika 16 / septyniolika 17 / aštuoniolika 18 / devyniolika 19 / dvidešimt 20 / dvidešimt vienas 21 / trisdešimt 30 / šimtas 100 / tūkstantis 1'000
  28. hour / day / week / month / kilometre - valanda / diena / savaitė / mėnnuo / kilometras
  29. left / right / straight on / before/ after this / next / last - kairė / dešinė / tiesiai / prieš / po (už) / kitas / paskutinis
  30. often / seldom / never / long / short - dažnai / retai / niekada / ilgai / trumpai
  31. up / down / over / under - aukštyn / žemyn / virš / po
  32. How far is it (on foot)? / Where are we? - Kaip toli iki ten jei eiti pėsčiomis? / Kur mes esame?
  33. How much does it cost? / What time is it? - Kiek tai kainuoja? / Kuri dabar valanda?
  34. We are looking for a place to sleep. - Mes ieškome kur pernakvoti.
  35. Where can we buy a ticket? - Kur mes galime nusipirkti bilietą?
  36. Who? / What? / Where? / Why? / When? - Kas? / Kas? / Kur? / Kodėl? / Kada?
  37. How? / How much? / How long? / Which? - Kaip? / Kiek? / Kaip ilgai? / Kuris?



  • Hitchhiking - stoppolás, stop [shtopolash, shtop]
  • High-way - autópálya [autopaya]
  • Petrol station - benzinkút [benzeenkut]
  • Ring road - körgyűrű [koerdyuru]
  • Map - térkép
  • Bus stop - buszmegálló [bus-megh-allo]


  • Hello - hello, szia [seeya]
  • Good day - jó napot [yo napot]
  • Good morning - jó reggelt [yo reghelt]
  • Good evening - jó estét [yo eshtet]
  • Goodbye - viszlát [whislat]
  • Bye - viszlát, hello
  • Thank you - köszönöm [koesoenoem]
  • Thanks - köszi [koesi]


  • From - -ból, -ből [at the end of a word, like Londonból.]
  • Towards - felé [eg. Budapest felé]
  • Through - keresztül -on, -en, ön [eg. keresztül Pécsen, keresztül Győrön] or át -on, -en, -ön [eg. át Budapesten]
  • (To the) left - bal(ra) [bal(ra)]
  • (To the) right - jobb(ra) [yobb(ra)]
  • Straignt on - egyenesen (edyeneshen)
  • Where are you going to? - Merre mész? [Merre mes?]
  • I'm travelling to ... - ... felé megyek. [... fele medyek]
  • Please, stop here - Állj meg itt, légyszi
  • A bit further - Kicsit előrébb [kitcheet eloerebb]


  1. Hello - Hello
  2. Excuse me.. - Elnézést,... [al-neh-zesht]
  3. Do you possibly drive in the direction of ...? - Ugye ... felé mész? [uh-dje ... feleh mehs]
  4. Could I get a lift to...? - El tudnál vinni ...? [al tuhd-nahl vinny ...]
  5. - a gasstation / a service area / a parking place? / along the motorway - - egy benzinkút [ehdj benzeenkut] / egy pihenő [ehdj pee-henoe] / egy parkoló [ehdj paarkolo] / az autópályán [az autopayahn]
  6. Is the lift free? / I can't pay.- Ingyen viszel?[Indjen whis-al] / Nem tudok fizetni. [nem to-dok fee-zet-nee]
  7. Do you speak ...? / any other languages / Could you speak slower, please? - Beszélsz... ? / Másik nyelven? / Kérlek, lassabban beszélj?
  8. yes / no / maybe / no thanks /- igen / nem / talán / nem, köszönöm
  9. That’s great / perfect / bad / no problem - Nagyszerű / tökéletes / rossz / nem probléma
  10. I don't understand. / I don't know.- Nem értem. / Nem tudom.
  11. I'm going to ... / Where are you going to?- ... felé megyek. / Merre mész?
  12. My name is... / What's your name? / I’m from... / Where are you from?- ...-nak hívnak. / Hogy hívnak? / ...-ból jövök. / Honnan származol?
  13. I’m ... years old. / How old are you? - ... éves vagyok. / Hány éves vagy?
  14. I study.... / My subjects are... / I’m in my ... year. / I will become a .... - ... -ot tanulok. / Tantárgyaim ... / ... évben vagyok. / ... leszek.
  15. I have a boy-friend/a girl-friend. / I'm married. - Van barátom/barátnőm. / Házas vagyok.
  16. I’m on holiday. / I visit friends in... / I'm hitchhiking around... - Nyaralok. / Barátokat látogatok ...-ban. / ... fele stoppolok.
  17. I will stay for... / I’m going back... - ... ideig maradok. / ... megyek vissza.
  18. Don’t touch me! / Let me out! / Stop! / Help! - Ne érj hozzám! / Engedj ki! / Állj! / Segítség!
  19. Can you drop me off here? - Ki tudnál itt tenni?
  20. Thank you! / Have a nice day/trip! - Köszönöm! / Jó napot/utat!
  21. Where can I find ...? - Hol találom ...?
  22. - the city centre / a map - a városközpont(ot) / egy térkép(et)
  23. - a toilet / a supermarket / a pharmacy / a campsite - egy vécé(t) / egy szupermarket(ot) / egy patiká(t) / egy kemping(et)
  24. - an internetcafe / a cashmachine / a bank - egy internetkávézó(t) / egy bankautomatá(t) / egy bank(ot)
  25. - a metrostation / a busstation / a trainstation - egy metróállomás(t) / egy buszállomás(t) / a főpályaudvar(t)
  26. - the motorway to ... / a good hitchhikingspot - az autópályá(t) ... fele / egy jó stopphely(et)
  27. water / (herbal) tea / hot chocolate / coffee - víz / (gyógy) teá / forró csoki / kávé
  28. beer / (red, white) wine / juice - sör / (vörös, fehér) bor / üdítő
  29. vegetarian / diner / bread / a cheap restaurant - vega / ebéd / kenyér / egy olcsó étterem
  30. Cheers! / Enjoy your meal! - Egészségedre! / Jó étvágyat!
  31. I’m hungry / thirsty / fine / cold / hot / sick - Éhes vagyok! / szomjas / oké / hideg / forró / beteg
  32. north / east / south / west - észak / kelet / dél / nyugat
  33. yesterday / today / tomorrow - tegnap / ma / holnap
  34. zero / one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten - nulla / egy / kettő / három / négy / öt / hat / hét / nyolc / kilenc / tíz
  35. eleven / twelve / thirteen / fourteen / fifteen / sixteen / seventeen / eighteen / nineteen / twenty - tizenegy / tizenkettő / tizenhárom / tizennégy / tizenöt / tizenhat / tizenhét / tizennyolc / tizenkilenc / húsz
  36. twenty-one / thirty - huszonegy / harminc
  37. hour / day / week / month / kilometre - óra / nap / hét / hónap / kilométer
  38. left / right / straight on / before/ after - bal / jobb / egyenesen / előtte / utána
  39. this / next / last / - ez / következő / utolsó
  40. often / seldom / never / long / short - gyakran / ritkán / soha / hosszú / rövid
  41. up / down / over / under - fel / le/ felett / alatt
  42. How far is it (on foot)? / Where are we? - Milyen messze van (gyalog)? / Hol vagyunk?
  43. How much does it cost? / What time is it? - Mennyibe kerül? / Mennyi az idő?
  44. We are looking for a place to sleep. - Helyet keresünk, ahol alhatunk.
  45. Where can we buy a ticket? - Hol vehetünk jegyeket?
  46. Who? / What? / Where? / Why? / When? - Ki? / Mi? / Hol? / Miért? / Mikor?
  47. How? / How much? / How long? / Which? - Hogyan? / Mennyi? / Milyen hosszú? / Melyik?


  1. Hello - Zdravo / Živijo
  2. Excuse me.. - Oprostite
  3. Do you possibly drive in the direction of ...? - Mogoče peljete proti ...
  4. Could I get a lift to...? - Bi me peljali do/v ...
  5. - a gasstation / a service area / a parking place? / along the highway - bencinska postaja / ... / parkirišče
  6. Is the lift free? / I can't pay. - Je prevoz zastonj? / Ne morem plačati.
  7. Do you speak ...? / any other languages / Could you speak slower, please? - Govorite ...? / kakšne tuje jezike / Bi lahko govorili počasneje, prosim?
  8. yes / no / maybe / no thanks / - da, ja / ne / mogoče / ne, hvala
  9. That’s great / perfect / bad / no problem - To je super / odlično / slabo / Ni problema
  10. I don't understand. / I don't know. - Ne razumem. / Ne vem.
  11. I'm going to ... / Where are you going to? - Grem (v/na/proti)... / Kam greste ?'
  12. My name is... / What's your name? / I’m from... / Where are you from? -Ime mi je ... / Kako ti je ime? / Prihajam iz/s .. / Od kod si?
  13. I’m ... years old. / How old are you? - Imam ... let. / Koliko let imaš?
  14. I study.... / My subjects are... / I’m in my ... year. / I will become a .... - Študiram .. / Moji predmeti so... / Sem v ... letu. / Postal bom...
  15. I have a boy-friend/a girl-friend. / I'm married. - Imam fanta/punco. / Sem poročen.
  16. I’m on holiday. / I visit friends in... / I'm hitchhiking around... - Sem na počitnicah. / Sem na obisku pri prijateljih v ... / Štopam naokoli
  17. I will stay for... / I’m going back... - Ostal/a bom ... / Vračam se ...
  18. Don’t touch me! / Let me out! / Stop! / Help! - Ne dotikaj se me!, Ne tikaj me! / Spusti me ven. / Nehaj (=stop doing this). Ustavi (to stop the car for ex.) / Na pomoč!
  19. Can you drop me off here? - Me lahko odložiš tukaj?
  20. Thank you! / Have a nice day/trip! - Hvala! / Imej lep dan/izlet.
  21. Where can I find ...? - Kje lahko najdem....?
  22. - the city centre / a map - center mesta / zemljevid
  23. - a toilet / a supermarket / a pharmacy / a campsite - wc / supermarket / lekarno / kamp
  24. - an internetcafe / a cashmachine / a bank - internet kafe / bankomat / banko
  25. - a metrostation / a busstation / a trainstation - metro postajo (but we dont have any metro) / avtobusno postajo / železniško postajo
  26. - the highway to ... / a good hitchhikingspot - avtocesto proti... / dobro točko za štopanje
  27. water / (herbal) tea / hot chocolate / coffee - voda / (zeliščni) čaj / vroča čokolada / kava
  28. beer / (red, white) wine / juice - pivo / (rdeče, belo) vino / sok
  29. (vegetarian, vegan) diner / bread / a cheap restaurant - (vegetarianska, veganska) večerja / kruh / poceni restavracija
  30. Cheers! / Enjoy your meal! - Na zdravje! / Dober tek!
  31. I’m hungry / thirsty / fine / cold // hot / sick - Sem lačen/lačna / žejen/žejna / dobro // Mi je vroče / mraz
  32. north / east / south / west - sever / vzhod / jug / zahod
  33. yesterday / today / tomorrow - včeraj / danes / jutri
  34. zero / one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten - nič / ena / dva / tri / štiri / pet / šest / sedem / osem / devet / deset
  35. eleven / twelve / thirteen / fourteen / fifteen / sixteen / seventeen / eighteen / nineteen / twenty - enajst / dvanajst / trinajst / štirinajst / petnajst / šestnajst / sedemnajst / osemnajst / devetnajst / dvajset
  36. twenty-one / thirty - enaindvajset / trideset
  37. hour / day / week / month / kilometre - ura / dan / teden / mesec / kilometer
  38. left / right / straight on / before/ after - levo / desno / naravnost / pred / po
  39. this / next / last / - ta / naslednji / zadnji
  40. often / seldom / never / long / short - pogosto / redko / nikoli / dolgo / kratko
  41. up / down / over / under - gor / dol / čez / pod
  42. How far is it (on foot)? / Where are we? - Kako daleč je ( peš )? / Kje smo?
  43. How much does it cost? / What time is it? - Koliko stane? / Koliko je ura?
  44. We are looking for a place to sleep. - Iščemo prenočišče.
  45. Where can we buy a ticket? - Kje lahko kupimo karto?
  46. Who? / What? / Where? / Why? / When? - Kdo? / Kaj? / Kje? / Zakaj? / Kdaj?
  47. How? / How much? / How long? / Which? - Kako? / Koliko? / Kako dolgo? / Kateri?



  1. Hello - Zdravo
  2. Excuse me... - Izvinite
  3. Do you possibly drive in the direction of ...? - Izvinite da li idete u pravcu ... ?
  4. Could I get a lift to...? - Mogu li dobiti prevoz do...?
  5. - a gasstation / a service area / a parking place? / along the highway - benzinska pumpa / odmorishte / parking / duz autoputa
  6. pay-toll - naplatna rampa
  7. motorway - autoput
  8. Is the lift free? / I can't pay. - Da li je prevoz besplatan? / Ne Mogu da platim.
  9. Do you speak ...? / any other languages / Could you speak slower, please? - Da li govorite...? / neki drugi jezik/ Mozete li govoriti sporije, molim?
  10. yes / no / maybe / no thanks - Da / Ne / Mozda / Ne Hvala..
  11. That’s great / perfect / bad / no problem - Super/ Odlichno / Savrsheno / Loshe / Nema problema
  12. I don't understand. / I don't know. - Ne razumem. / Ne znam.
  13. I'm going to ... / Where are you going to? - Idem do.. / Gde vi idete?
  14. My name is... / What's your name? / I’m from... / Where are you from? - Ja se zovem../ Kako se ti zovesh? Ja sam iz... / Odakle ste vi?
  15. I’m ... years old. / How old are you? - Ja imam ... godina./ Koliko godina ti imash?
  16. I study.... / My subjects are... / I’m in my ... year. / I will become a .... - Studiram.... / Moji predmeti su... / Ja sam u ... godini./ Postacu...
  17. I have a boy-friend/a girl-friend. / I'm married. - Ja imam decka/devojku / Ja sam ozenjen (male) / udata (female)
  18. I’m on holiday. / I visit friends in... / I'm hitchhiking around... - Ja sam na odmoru. / Poseticu prijatelje iz... / Stopiram..
  19. I will stay for... / I’m going back... - Ostajem ... (number) dana (days) / Vracam se ...
  20. Don’t touch me! / Let me out! / Stop! / Help! - Ne diraj me! / Pusti me napolje! / Stop! / U pomoc!
  21. Can you drop me off here? - Mozete li me ostaviti ovde?
  22. Thank you! / Have a nice day/trip! - Hvala (puno)! / Srecan put!
  23. Where can I find ...? - Gde mogu naci...?
  24. - the city centre / a map - centar grada / mapu
  25. - a toilet / a supermarket / a pharmacy / a campsite - toalet / supermarket / apoteku / kamp
  26. - an internetcafe / a cashmachine / a bank / exchange office - internet kafe / bankomat / banku / menjachnicu
  27. - a metrostation / a busstation / a trainstation - metro / autobusku stanicu / zeleznicku stanicu
  28. - the highway to ... / a good hitchhikingspot - autoput do... / dobro mesto za stopiranje
  29. water / (herbal) tea / hot chocolate / coffee - voda / (biljni) chaj / toplu cokoladu / kafu
  30. beer / (red, white) wine / juice - pivo / (crveno, belo) vino / sok
  31. vegetarian / diner / bread / a cheap restaurant - vegeterijansku / veceru / hleb / jeftin restoran
  32. Cheers! / Enjoy your meal! - Ziveli! / Prijatno!
  33. I’m hungry / thirsty / fine / cold / hot / sick - Gladan sam / zedan sam / dobro sam / hladno (mi je)/ vruce (mi je) / bolestan sam
  34. north / east / south / west - sever / istok / jug / zapad
  35. yesterday / today / tomorrow - juče / danas / sutra
  36. zero / one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten - nula / jedan / dva / tri / cetiri / pet / sest / sedam / osam / devet / deset
  37. eleven / twelve / thirteen / fourteen / fifteen / sixteen / seventeen / eighteen / nineteen / twenty - jedanaest / dvanaest / trinaest / cetrnaest / petnaest / sesnaest / sedamnaest / osamnaest / devetnaest / dvadeset
  38. twenty-one / thirty - dvadeset-jedan / trideset
  39. hour / day / week / month / kilometre - sat / dan / sedmica / mesec / kilometar
  40. left / right / straight on / before/ after - levo / desno / pravo / pre / posle
  41. this / next / last - ovo / sledece / poslednje
  42. often / seldom / never / long / short - cesto / retko / nikad / dugo / kratko
  43. up / down / over / under - gore / dole / iznad / ispod
  44. How far is it (on foot)? / Where are we? - Koliko je daleko (peshke)? / Gde smo?
  45. How much does it cost? / What time is it? - Koliko kosta? / Koliko je sati?
  46. We are looking for a place to sleep. - Trazimo mesto da prespavamo.
  47. Where can we buy a ticket? - Gde mozemo da kupimo kartu?
  48. Who? / What? / Where? / Why? / When? - ko? / šta? / gde? / zašto / kada?
  49. How? / How much? / How long? / Which? - Kako? / Koliko? / Koliko dugo? / Koji?

The Serbian Travel Club offers a Serbian Phrasebook as well as a special Phrasebook for Hitchhiking.


Phrases seem to have been transliterated according to: /Quitelost
 и /i/ - i
 й /j/ - i
 ж /ʒ/ - j
 х /x/ - ?
 ц /t͡s/ - c
 ч /t͡ʃ/ - ch
 ъ /ɤ/ - a
  1. Hello - Zdraveite
  2. Excuse me.. - Izvinete
  3. Do you possibly drive in the direction of ...? - Patuvate li sluchaino v posoka...
  4. Could I get a lift to...? - Mojete li da me zakarate do...?
  5. - a gasstation / a parking place? / along the highway - benzinostancia / parking / po magistralata
  6. Is the lift free? / I can't pay. - Bezplatno li e? / Ne moga da platya.
  7. Do you speak ...? / any other languages / Could you speak slower, please? - Govorite li drugi ezici? / Mojete li da govorite po bavno.
  8. yes / no / maybe / no thanks / - da / ne / moje bi / ne blagodaria
  9. That’s great / perfect / bad / no problem - Tova e chudesno / perfektno / losho / niama problem
  10. I don't understand. / I don't know. - Ne razbiram / Ne znam.
  11. I'm going to ... / Where are you going to? - Patuvam kam... / Nakade ste?
  12. My name is... / What's your name? / I’m from... / Where are you from? - Kazvam se... / Kak se kazvate? / Az sam ot... / Otkade ste..?
  13. I’m ... years old. / How old are you? - Na ... godini sam. / Na kolko si godini?
  14. I study.... / My subjects are... / I’m in my ... year. / I will become a .... - Ucha... / Predmetite mi sa... / Ucha za ... godina.
  15. I have a boyfriend/a girlfriend. / I'm married. - Imam priatel(-ka) / Az sam jenen.
  16. I’m on holiday. / I visit friends in... / I'm hitchhiking around... - Na pochivka sym. / Otivam na gosti na priateli v... / Stopiram si...
  17. I will stay for... / I’m going back... - Shte ostana za... / Vrashtam se...
  18. Don’t touch me! / Let me out! / Stop! / Help! - Ne me pipai! / Pusni me! / Spri! / Pomosht!
  19. Thank you! / Have a nice day/trip! - Blagodaria! / Priaten den/Pratno patuvane!
  20. Where can I find ...? - Kade moga da nameria...?
  21. - the city centre / a city map - centara / karta na grada
  22. - a toilet / a supermarket / a pharmacy / a campsite - toaletna / supermarket / apteka / kamping
  23. - an internetcafe / a cashmachine / a bank - internet-kafe / bankomat / banka
  24. - a metrostation / a busstation / a trainstation - metrostancia / avtobusna spirka / Jepe gara
  25. - the highway to ... / a good hitchhikingspot - magistralata za... / miasto za stopirane
  26. water / (herbal) tea / hot chocolate / coffee - Voda / chai / goresht shokolad / kafe
  27. beer / (red, white) wine / juice - bira / (cherveno, biaqlo) vino / sok
  28. vegetarian / diner / bread / a cheap restaurant - vegetarianski / vecheria / hliab / evtin restorant
  29. Cheers! / Enjoy your meal! - Nazdrave! / Priaten apetit!
  30. I’m hungry / thirsty / fine / cold / hot / sick - Gladen sam / jaden sam / dobre sam / studeno mi e / goreshto mi e / losho mi e
  31. north / east / south / west - Sever / iztok / iug / zapad
  32. yesterday / today / tomorrow - vchera / dnes / utre
  33. zero / one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten - nula / edno / dve / tri / chetiri / pet / shest / sedem / osem / devet / deset
  34. eleven / twelve / thirteen / fourteen / fifteen / sixteen / seventeen / eighteen / nineteen / twenty - / edinaise / dvanaise / trinaise / chetirinaise / petnaise / shestnaise / sedemnaise / osemnaise / devetnaise / dvaise
  35. twenty-one / thirty - dvaise i edno / triise
  36. hour / day / week / month / kilometre - chas / den / sedmica / mesets / kilometar
  37. left / right / straight on / before/ after - lyavo / dyasno / napravo / predi / sled
  38. this / next / last / - tova / sledvashtoto / poslednoto
  39. often / seldom / never / long / short - chesto / ryadko / nikoga / dalgo / kaso
  40. up / down / over / under - gore / dolu / nad / pod
  41. How far is it (on foot)? / Where are we? - Kolko daleche e (pesha)? / Kade sme?
  42. How much does it cost? / What time is it? - Kolko struva? / Kolko e chasa?
  43. We are looking for a place to sleep. - Tarsim myasto za spane.
  44. Where can we buy a ticket? - Kade mozem da kupim bilet?
  45. Who? / What? / Where? / Why? / When? - Koi? / Koe? / Kade? / Zashto? / Koga?
  46. How? / How much? / How long? / Which? - Kak? / Kolko? / Kolko dalgo? / Koe?

See also the main article about Bulgaria!


Romanian is the only large Latin-based language in Eastern Europe. It is related with French, Italian, Spanish etc. Speakers of one of these languages will find it easier to pronounce and understand Romanian.

  1. Hello - Buna ziua
  2. Excuse me... - Ma scuzati...
  3. Do you possibly drive in the direction of ...? - Mergeti cumva catre ...?
  4. Could I get a lift to...? - Ma duceti pana la ...?
  5. a petrol station / a service area / a parking place / along the highway / - o benzinarie / o zona de servicii / o parcare / langa autostrada
  6. Is the lift free? / I can't pay. - E gratis? / N-am bani sa va dau.
  7. Do you speak ...? / any other languages / Could you speak slower, please? - Vorbiti...? / alta limba / Puteti vorbi mai rar, va rog?
  8. Yes / no / maybe / no thanks - Da / nu / poate / nu multumesc
  9. That’s great / perfect / bad / No problem. - Foarte bine / perfect / rau / Nici o problema
  10. I don't understand. / I don't know. - Nu inteleg. / Nu stiu.
  11. I'm going to ... / Where are you going to? - Merg la ... / Unde mergeti?
  12. Thank you! / Have a nice day. / Have a nice trip. - Multumesc! / O zi placuta. / Drum bun.
  13. My name is ... / What's your name? / I’m from ... / Where are you from? - Ma cheama ... / Cum va cheama? / Sunt din ... / De unde sunteti?
  14. I’m … years old. / How old are you? - Am ... ani. / Ce varsta aveti?
  15. I study pedagogies. / My subjects are… / I’m in my fourth/fifth year. / I will become a teacher. - Studiez pedagogia. / Materiile mele sunt... / Sunt in anul patru/cinci. / O sa devin profesor.
  16. I have a boy-friend/a girl-friend. / I'm married. - Am prieten/prietena. / Sunt casatorit(a)
  17. I’m on holiday. / I visit friends in… / hitchhiking around … - Sunt in vacanta. / Vizitez prieteni in ... / calatoresc prin ...
  18. I will stay for … days. / I’m going back … - O sa stau ... zile. / Ma intorc ...
  19. Don’t touch me! / Let me out! / Stop! / Help! - Nu ma atinge! / Lasa-ma sa ies! / Opreste-te! / Ajutor!
  20. Can you drop me off here? - Puteti sa ma lasati aici?
  21. Where can I find ...? / the city centre / a map - Unde pot gasi ...? / centrul orasului / o harta
  22. a toilet / a supermarket / a pharmacy / a campsite - o toaleta / un magazin / o farmacie / un camping
  23. an internet-cafe / a cashmachine / a bank - un internet-cafe / un bancomat / o banca
  24. a metro station / a bus station / a train station - o statie de metrou / o statie de autobuz / o gara
  25. the road to ... / a good hitchhiking spot - drumul catre ... / un loc de stat la ocazie
  26. water / tea / hot chocolate / coffee - apa / ceai / ciocolata calda / cafea
  27. beer / (red, white) wine / juice - bere / vin (rosu, alb) / suc
  28. vegetarian / diner / bread / a cheap restaurant - vegetarian / restaurant / paine / un restaurant ieftin
  29. Cheers! / Enjoy your meal! - Noroc! / Pofta buna!
  30. I’m hungry / thirsty / fine / cold / hot / sick. - Mi-e foame / sete / bine / rece / cald / rau.
  31. north / east / south / west - nord / est / sud / vest
  32. yesterday / today / tomorrow - ieri / azi / maine
  33. zero / one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten - zero / unu / doi / trei / patru / cinci / sase / sapte / opt / noua / zece
  34. eleven / twelve / thirteen / fourteen / fifteen / sixteen / seventeen / eighteen / nineteen / twenty - unspe / doispe / treispe / paispe / cinspe / saispe / saptespe / optispe / nouaspe / douazeci
  35. twenty-one / ... thirty - douazeci si unu / ... treizeci
  36. hour / day / week / month / kilometre - ora / zi / saptamana / luna / kilometru
  37. left / right / straight on / before / after - stanga / dreapta / tot inainte / inainte de / dupa
  38. this / next / last - asta / urmatorul / ultimul(a)
  39. often / seldom / never / long / short - des / rar / niciodata / lung / scurt
  40. up / down / over / under - sus / jos / peste / sub
  41. How far is it (on foot)? / Where are we? - Cat de departe e (pe jos)? / Unde suntem?
  42. How much does it cost? / What time is it? - Cat costa? / Cat e ceasul?
  43. We are looking for a place to sleep. - Cautam un loc unde sa dormim.
  44. Where can we buy a ticket? - De unde putem lua bilet?
  45. Who? / What? / Where? / Why? / When? - Cine? / Ce? / Unde? / De ce? / Cand?
  46. How? / How much? / How long? / Which? - Cum? / Cat? / Cat? / Care?


This list of Albanian vocabulary relies on the memory and notes of Zenit and Jandra. It's not trustworthy to infinity.

  1. Hello - prshendeti
  2. Excuse me.. - mufall
  3. Do you drive in the direction of ...? - shqoni...
  4. Can I go with you? - Munt shqoi me ti?
  5. - a gasstation <--!/ a service area / a parking place? / along the highway--> - carburant
  6. Is the lift free? / I have no money. - Falas esht? / jo para
  7. Do you speak ...? / any other languages / Could you speak slower, please? - Flet...? / dju dieter / Flet mo avash, d'lutem
  8. yes / no / no thanks - po / jo / jo falemanderit
  9. That’s good / bad / no problem - mir esht / qesh / jo problem
  10. I don't understand. / I don't know. - Nu kuptoi. / Nugadi.
  11. I'm going to ... / Where are you going to? - Dua doshkoi... / Qu shqoni?
  12. My name is... / What's your name? / I’m from... / Where are you from? - Im emr... / Tshvar jot emr? / Un iam ga... / Qu ti e ga?
  13. I’m ... years old. / How old are you? - Un iam... viet. / Sa viet e ti?
  14. Here is good. (to be dropped off) - Ketu mir.
  15. Thank you! / Have a nice day! - Faleminderit! / Mir dita!
  16. Where is ...? - Qu esht...
  17. - the city centre / a map - qender chitet / harta
  18. - the highway to ... - rruga e...
  19. water / (herbal) tea / coffee - uji / tchai / kafe
  20. beer <--/ (red, white) wine / juice--> - bira
  21. bread - buk
  22. Cheers! <--/ Enjoy your meal!--> - Gzoar!, Ne dassr! (literally "I'll get drunk on your wedding")
  23. I’m hungry / thirsty / I'm fine / cold / hot - Duar buk (lit. "I want food") / uji / mir iam / ftoft / grocht
  24. north / east / south / west - veri / lindia / iug / berendim
  25. yesterday / today / tomorrow - die / sott / nessr
  26. zero / one / two / three / four / five / six / seven / eight / nine / ten - zero / nje / du / tre / katr / pehs / djasht / shtat / tett / nent / dieth
  27. a hundred - chint
  28. hour / day / night / week / kilometre - ora / dit / natt / yav / kilometer
  29. left / right / straight on / before/ after - maitas / diathtas / dreit / mpar / movon
  30. this - kte/kjo
  31. How far is it (on foot)? / Where are we? - Si larg esht ne kemp? / Qu ne?
  32. How much does it cost? / What time is it? - Sa esht? / tshvar ora esht?
  33. Where can I sleep? - Qu munt flini?
  34. Where can I put the tent? - Qu munt dave tshadra?
  35. What? / Where? / - Tshvar? / Qu?
  36. How? / How much? / Which? - Si? / Sa? / Tshvar?
  37. very / to eat / beautiful / big / small - shum / ha / bukur / imath / ivogl



Turkish is a bit hard in grammar and pronounciation, but if you know some tips it's very easy.

Ş is pronounced sh, Ç as ch, ı as a "neutral" sound between "a" and "ee". It has no equivalent in English.

  1. Hello (formal) - Merhaba
  2. Hello (informal) - Selam
  3. Excuse me - Afedersiniz
  4. Yes - Evet
  5. No - Hayır or Yok
  6. A little bit - Biraz
  7. Thanks - Teşekkürler
  8. Okay - Tamam
  9. Can you speak English? - İngilizce konuşabilir misiniz?
  10. I don't understand - Anlamıyorum
  11. I don't know - Bilmiyorum
  12. I'm going to... - ...'a gidiyorum
  13. That's great - Bu harika
  14. Very good - Çok iyi
  15. No problem - Sorun yok
  16. Very bad - Çok kötü
  17. My name is..., what's your name? - Benim ismim..., sizin isminiz ne?
  18. I'm ... years old - ...yaşındayım
  19. Where are you from? - Nerelisiniz?
  20. I'm coming from... - ...'dan geliyorum
  21. I'm single - Bekarım
  22. I'm married - Evliyim
  23. I have a boyfriend/girlfriend - Erkek(M)/kız(F) arkadaşım var
  24. Don't touch me! - Bana dokunma!
  25. Help! - İmdat!
  26. Help me please! - Lütfen bana yardım edin!
  27. Stop! - Dur
  28. I don't want - İstemiyorum
  29. I want to get off - İnmek istiyorum
  30. Can I drop off here? - Burada inebilir miyim?
  31. Good morning - Günaydın
  32. Have a good day - İyi günler
  33. Good evening - İyi akşamlar
  34. Good night - İyi geceler
  35. Good bye - Hoşçakal
  36. See you - Görüşürüz
  37. Water - Su
  38. Beer - Bira
  39. Wine - Şarap
  40. Fruit juice - Meyve suyu
  41. Bread - Ekmek
  42. Meal - Yemek
  43. I'm hungry / thirsty / cold - Açım / susadım / üşüdüm
  44. Where is...? - ...nerede?
  45. Is it far? - Uzak mı?
  46. Is it close? - Yakın mı?
  47. East - Doğu
  48. West - Batı
  49. North - Kuzey
  50. South - Güney
  51. I'm looking for a place to sleep - Uyumak için bir yer arıyorum
  52. Cheap - Ucuz
  53. Expensive - Pahalı
  54. How? - Nasıl?
  55. Why? - Neden?
  56. Who? - Kim?
  57. What time is it? - Saat kaç?
  58. How much does it cost? - Kaç para?
  59. Numbers in Turkish:
  1. bir
  2. iki
  3. üç
  4. dört
  5. beş
  6. altı
  7. yedi
  8. sekiz
  9. dokuz
  10. on

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