Cuatro Caminos, Guatemala

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Earth > Americas > Central America > Guatemala > Cuatro Caminos, Guatemala
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Cuatro Caminos is a city in western Guatemala, near Xela.

Hitching out

East towards Guatemala City

If you take the bus from Xela, it drops you in the middle of town, more or less. When you get off the bus, walk in the direction of the buses towards Guatemala City for about 500m, and you'll come to a petrol station, which is a decent spot. In July 2013, there was also a police checkpoint just around the curve past the petrol station, which is a much better place.

North/West towards Huehuetenango/Mexico

If you take the bus from Xela, it drops you in the middle of town, more or less. When you get off the bus, walk in the direction of the buses towards Huehuetenango (and Mexico), walk in that direction for about 800m, and you'll come to some speedbumps. You can hitch at any of them, but the third or fourth one is in front of a petrol station where you can also talk to drivers if the traffic is slow.