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543 bytes added, 05:31, 12 October 2015
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=== License plates ===
Note that vehicles license plates are different, depending on where the car was issued. It starts with the state abbreviation and follows with numbers. This way you can also somehow figure out where the vehicle is going to. Usually the name of the state is written in small letters at the top, but this is harder to see. {|class="wikitable"|-! Abbr! State! Abbr! State! Abbr! State|-* PA is |AC|[[Acre]]|MA|[[Maranhão]]|RJ|[[ParaRio de Janeiro]]* PR is |-|AL|[[ParanáAlagoas]]* SC is |MG|[[Santa CatarinaMinas Gerais]]* RJ is |RN|[[Rio Grande do JaneiroNorte]]|-|AM|[[Amazonas]]|MS|[[Mato Grosso do Sul]]|RO|[[Rondônia]]|-|AP|[[Amapá]]|MT|[[Mato Grosso]]|RR|[[Roraima]]|-|BA|[[Bahia]]* SP is |PA|[[Sao PaoloPará]]* |RS is |[[Rio Grande Do do Sul]]* |-|CE|[[Ceará]]|PB|[[Paraíba]]|SC|[[Santa Catarina]]|-|DF|[[Distrito Federal]]|PE|[[Pernambuco]]|SE|[[Sergipe]]|-|ES is |[[Espírito Santo]](List incomplete)|PI|[[Piauí]]|SP|[[São Paolo]]|-|GO|[[Goiás]]|PR|[[Paraná]]|TO|[[Tocantins]]|}
=== Cities ===

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