Marco de Canaveses

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Marco de Canaveses
<map lat='41.13574463182004' lng='-8.598175048828125' zoom='11' view='3' float='right' />
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Flag of Portugal
State: North Region
Population: 53,450
Licence plate: -
Major roads: A4, N211
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Marco de Canaveses is a small city in Portugal where the HitchFest took place in 2017.

Hitchhiking out

West towards Porto

Option 1: Repsol Gas Station

It should be pretty easy and direct to get to Porto, as many people drive to Porto from Marco de Canaveses everyday. Just before the river Rio Tamega, one of the two main rivers of Marco de Canaveses, you will have this gas station. You can easily walk to the gas station located in the Avenida dos Bombeiros Voluntarios do Marco, which is about 800 meters (10 min) from the city centre. From the town hall, you walk Northwest, for about 550m, from Rua de Sao Nicolau street towards Rio Tamega until you get a street on your left called Rua Cruz, the last street before you reach a small bridge passing over Avenida dos Bombeiros Voluntarios do Marco. Take Rua Cruz, walk for 200m and the gas station will be just on your right side when you will reach the main road Avenida dos Bombeiros Voluntarios do Marco. Check here to see how to get there. Tell drivers you are going to Porto through the A4. Many of the cars might be from locals, though many are also going direction Porto. If drivers are going to take the A11 towards Guimaraes, you can ask them leave you at the tolls (portagens) at the entrance of the motorways A4 and A11 (they start in the same place). You can try asking drivers directly when they stop to take the card from the machine. These tolls are located about 10 km from Marco de Canaveses (via the N211). There is a service station on the A4 before Porto, in Aguas Santas..

Option 2: Crossroad near Repsol Gas Station

The location of this option is very close (about 1 km walking) to the location of option 1. See here. This serves as an alternative to option 1, and you can perfectly try both as they are so close. Make sure you hitchhike the road going to the left towards the river.

South towards Aveiro, Lisbon, Algarve

The best way to go South is to go towards Porto (West) in a first instance, using the Repsol Gas Station mentioned earlier. When on the A4 towards Porto, you can be dropped at the gas station Estaçao de Serviço de Aguas Santas, 2 km before the merge with the A3. You can try to find a lift to a service station south of Porto (Repsol gas station in Gaia, or further south on the A1, Estaçao de Serviço Antuã-Estarreja). Or look to be dropped by a metro station in Porto, and go to the Repsol gas station in Gaia, walking distance from Santo Ovidio metro station. (One user has also used a spot in Antas, in the exit direction Lisbon/South, here.

Via Porto's External ring road (CREP)

When you are starting the trip at the tolls or gas station in Marco de Caneveses you could also try to find divers who are going towards Lisbon via CREP / A41 (you will have to be quite lucky as most people go to Porto). You can check your way here.

North towards Braga, Vigo, A Coruña

Use the same spots mentioned above, but look for cars taking the A11 towards Guimaraes.

East towards Vila Real, Spain, France

Though the road M570 is used by many locals to drive to the east, specially to Amarante, that won't be very good for a hitchhiker. It is usually faster and simpler to go to the A4, like in the previous options, with the road N211. Just 1 or 2 kilometers further east on the A4 you have a big service station. Note that this highway is not a busy one, and you might need some patience (if you're going to Spain and France, this is a way less busy route than the border in Vilar Formoso, near Guarda).

Hitchhiking in

The best way to hitch in is using the motorway A4 if you are coming from West, South and East, and the A11 if you are coming from the North. They will merge at the same meeting point - the exit that leads to Marco de Canaveses which has tolls, located about 10 km from the town. As Marco is just is one of many towns around, it's likely that you won't find a direct ride, and have to ask drivers to get off to drop you at the tolls and get back to the highway. If you are coming from Porto or from the East on the A4, take exit 14 and right after take exit 16 for N211 towards Marco de Canaveses. If you are coming from North using A11 take exit 16 for N211 towards Marco de Canaveses. You shouldn't have much trouble finding a lift from the tolls, as most of the drivers will take the road to Marco de Canaveses, or will drive through it.


If you want to do wild camping in Marco de Canaveses you have plenty of space and places besides the ones recommended here where you won't be bothered by anybody.

Parque de Merendas de Montedeiras is a really nice park located about 8 km from the centre of the town but very easily acceded. Here you have the description how to get there.

If you prefer something beautiful to wake up in the morning and to be closer to the centre of Marco de Canaveses, you can go to the historical site Tongobriga located about 3,5 km from the town.

You can also try Ecocamping do Juncal located about 6 km from the centre of Marco de Canaveses if you prefer to find some affordable and interesting camping park.

You can also try to use the normal online platforms for travelers, though you might not find many people! The user Verde mar is sometimes there and you can try to contact him, though expect that he will be travelling as he has a nomadic lifestyle.

NOTE: Beware that Portugal (and especially the North) is prone to forest fires during the summer.