

删除557字节2010年3月8日 (一) 21:15
==Hitching a ferry搭渡轮=='''Hitchhiking a ferry搭渡轮''' is easy. Simply ask drivers or truck drivers if you can enter the ferry in their truck简单, they usually only have to pay for the vehicle. See also 问问司机能否带你上船,他们只要付车票就行,详见[[:Category:Ferries]] for different routes that involve ferries涉及船的各种搭车路线.
== Hitching a boat 搭船 =='''Hitchhiking a boat搭船''' can be quite an endeavor for some but can be done if you put the right effort in it需要很多奋斗. Your best chances are to become part of the crew最好成为船员. In the [[Caribbean加勒比海]] it's not too hard to find sail boats that need an extra hand on deck找船员的挺多.
Finding a boat can take you a lot of time. Mostly boat-hitchers try hanging out at the harbor for a week, talking to almost anyone, possibly finding a pub where sailors tend to drink their beer. Another way people often get rides on boats in the [[San Francisco]] area is to go to the pier with some beers and offer them to folx who look like they are heading out搭船很耗时间,搭船客要在港口花上一周时间四处搭讪.一般是水手喝酒的酒吧。
For more info see 请看[[User:Paxus|Paxus]] his 在1989/90的[[Sailboats|experiences]] hitching [[Sailboats帆船]] in 1989/90.
== Hitching a Barge ==