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467 bytes removed, 15:38, 30 April 2015
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== Alone or with other(s) ==
Hitchhiking is considered to be fastest for a solo female hitchhiker, but it supposedly is a bit riskier as well. A guy hitchhiking alone, a woman and a man together and If you're two women, you can travel fast as well. Keep in mind that truck drivers often only have one "official" extra seat. Two males hitchhiking together is certainly slower on averageBy preference take one bag instead of two. More If you're more than two hitchhikers often requires much more patience and it would often be a good idea to split into several groups. If you hitchhike with more than one person, keeping an eye on how much luggage you take with you becomes more important. One big backpack is to be preferred then over two.
A technique that can be used as an attempt to maximize your chances of catching a ride if If you are a female hitchhiking with another person is to make 're not traveling solo, the other person (s) can wait on a place that is not directly visible by the oncoming drivers, but not too far from the hitchhiking spot. This You can also be done do this if you have a lot of luggage as well. You might get some people to stop that would not otherwise do so if they saw more people or extra luggage, and it's harder for them to reject you once they have stopped and are in direct contact with you.
[[User:Fverhart|Fverhart]] (male) has a 5% faster "waiting time / ride distance" ratio for hitchhiking with one female companion compared to hitchhiking alone, and 75% longer "waiting time / ride distance" ratio for hitchhiking with a male companion (derived from data collected from 1,641 rides, of which 1,299 alone, 189 with female companion and 132 with male companion). His data for other combinations (more than two hitchhikers) are not reliable, due to lack of statistical significance (only 21 registered rides).