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When traveling for long distance when you arrive to a big petrol station you should prioritize some drivers like:
# Transportation vans: They usually are not so big and there have 3 seats in the front so if you are hitch-hiking with a friend is perfect. Inside you will probably see something to contain coffee and the front will be full of killed mosquitos.(these are good indicators). So these drivers usually drive non-stop just to deliver their stuff from one place to another no matter what. Be warned, that crossing Polish - Lithuanian border zone with these drivers can be nervous and lenghty, because of police. They usually stop them to inspect cargo, or to check if car is not overweighted (drivers say, that if they know that there is overweight, they usually bribe cops, so it happens faster.), documents of are are checked, and you may be asked for your document documents too, so be prepared . Unlike truck drivers there is no regulations for the time they can drive so they don't have to pause for rest and they can reach 160 km/hour or more (instead of 90 km/hour or even slower 80km/h).
# Businessman / expensive cars: some tend to be really nice, have been hitchhiking couple decades ago, and you get to ride some nice cars.
# Holiday vans: The drivers can also do long distances and some can travel for months.